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  1. Home
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  3. West Midlands Woodland Creation Grant Opportunity Areas 10/11 - 11/12

West Midlands Woodland Creation Grant Opportunity Areas 10/11 - 11/12


This dataset targeted the English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Creation Grant (WCG) Additional Contribution (AC) for 2010/2011 – 2011/2012 in locations where woodland creation was identified as a regional priority and for the purposes of the grant, with the goal to deliver rural green infrastructure and climate adaptation improvements. The WCG AC priority area is taken from the composite Woodland Opportunity Maps (WOM) for the West Midlands. The composite WOM was created in 2007 through consultation with local authorities and other interested groups. A series of theme maps were produced at that time that identified where woodlands could best contribute to improving the environment and where significant woodland creation is desirable. Attributes: Descriptr = Name of the opportunity area


Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.


Contains Forestry Commission information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Attribution statement

Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] [year].

Technical information

Update frequency



The Regional Forestry Framework delivery plan 2006-2009 identified the need for a regional woodland opportunity map and this was delivered in late 2007 as a series of maps identifying different priority components. The Priority 1 and 2 areas identified on the composite WOM map (containing themes on Landscape, Access, Cultural Heritage and Biodiversity) have been derived through much consultation with partner organisations and field experts. The Priority 1 & 2 areas identified on the composite WOM are now being utilised to support significant woodland creation opportunities across the region. Within the West Midlands Region, the AC for woodland creation supports climate change adaptation and green infrastructure by increasing the connectivity of our wooded landscapes. Where appropriate, there are also opportunities to link with Green Infrastructure strategies within the region to provide for localised social and environmental considerations. The priority target areas identified will contribute to strengthening and restoration of wooded landscape character types, as described in adopted local planning authority frameworks and guidance.

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 51.40238 to 52.81048
  • Longitude from: -2.862757 to -0.524832
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Forestry Commission

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

03 April 2010

Revision date

03 April 2010

Publication date



  • From: 04 March 2010
  • To: 31 March 2012


Data and Supporting Information
Data services and download by area of interestLinkAction
External version on Defra Data Services PlatformOpen link