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The NFI woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover (or the potential to achieve it) and a minimum width of 20 metres, including areas of new planting, clearfell, windblow and restocked areas. The woodland map excludes all 'tarmac' roads, rivers and powerlines where the gap in the woodland is greater than 20 meters wide. The woodland map is continually updated on an annual basis. The changes in the canopy cover have been identified on remote sensing imagery taken during spring/summer 2017 or colour aerial orthophotographic imagery available at the time of the assessment. Additionally, new planting information from grant schemes and the FE sub-compartment database for the financial year 2017/2018 have been added to the woodland map. The changes in the woodland boundaries use the Ordnance Survey MasterMap® (OSMM) as a reference where appropriated. OSMM is the most up to date large-scale digital map of GB providing a seamless database for 1:1250, 1:2500 and 1:10000 survey data. All woodland (both urban and rural, regardless of ownership) which is 0.5 hectare or greater in extent, with the exception of Assumed woodland or Low density areas that can be 0.1 hectare or greater in extend. Woodland less than 0.5 hectare in extent will not be described within the dataset but will be included in a separate sample survey of small woodland and tree features. Any maps produced using this data should contain the following Forestry Commission acknowledgement: "Contains, or is based on, information supplied by the Forestry Commission. © Crown copyright and database right 2019 Ordnance Survey [100021242]".

Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

Any maps produced using this data should contain the following Forestry Commission acknowledgement: “Contains, or is based on, information supplied by the Forestry Commission. © Crown copyright and database right 2022 Ordnance Survey [100021242]”

Technical information

Update frequency



The location and extent of all forests and woodlands (0.5 hectares and over) is stored and maintained as a digital map. The changes in the canopy cover are identified from: Sentinel 2 imagery taken during spring/summer 2018 or colour aerial orthophotographic imagery available at the time of the assessment; New planting information for the financial year 2018/2019, from grant schemes and the sub-compartment database covering the estate of Forestry England; Bluesky’s National Tree Map (NTM) dataset was used to revise woodland areas between 1 and 2 ha; Woodland Carbon Code dataset was also used to revised areas of approved new planting outside the existing approved grant schemes. Ordnance Survey MasterMap® (OSMM) features have been used as a reference for capturing the woodland boundaries.

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.55498 to 56.107638
  • Longitude from: -6.518291 to 2.913212
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Forestry Commission

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

01 October 2019

Revision date

01 October 2019

Publication date



  • N/A


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