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  3. MMO1044 spatial confidence in the essential fish habitat modelled outputs

MMO1044 spatial confidence in the essential fish habitat modelled outputs


This data shows the relative confidence on the EFH model prediction calculated by combining information on the statistical model predictive ability, confidence assigned to the input data layers used for model implementation and relative importance of environmental input data layers as determined by the statistical model. Confidence is assigned to each species life stage model (ConfScoreis the normalised value of confidence, ranging between 0 and 1; ConfCatis the relative confidence category used to identify relative confidence levels, from lower to higher).


Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

© Marine Management Organisation copyright and/or database right 2023. All rights reserved.

Technical information

Update frequency



This data was created as part of the MMO1044 reportSpatial models of essential fish habitat (South Inshore and Offshore marine plan areas) it should be used within the context of the report. The aim of the project was to improve the spatial resolution of data on essential fish habitats for key fish species (both of commercial and ecological relevance) in the South Inshore and South Offshore marine plan areas, and to assess the relative value of these fish habitats to the regional commercial fisheries productivity and the ecosystem function. The reports recommendations were formulated on how to address the limitations in future studies to allow improvement of the methodology and its application. For the complete methodology and the report findings please refer to the report and technical Habitat categories are: 1. Absence, 2. Adults, 3. Adults and Juveniles and 4. Outside Model Range. Probability of juvenile or spawning presence is catagorised as: 0-25% - Absence 25-50% - Absence 50-75% - Presence 75-100% - Presence -9999 - Outside Model Range. Caveats: � A total confidence value (see Final Report) and a relative confidence layer are associated to these data. These should be always considered when using these data. These data should not be used in isolation when the total confidence is low or where the relative confidence shown in the confidence layer is lowest. � Their validity of the EFH outputs is related to a specific season depending on the data used to calibrate the models (summer for the adult foraging and nursery habitats; winter for the spawning habitats). This temporal aspect should be taken into account when interpreting or validating the data. Also, the EFH distribution is predicted based on average environmental conditions referred to the years between 2000 and 2012. Therefore a certain variability in the species habitat distribution is to be expected compared to the maps when considering other seasons or specific years. � As no pressures or impact data data were included in the models, the EFH maps should be interpreted as potential distribution of species EFH.

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.943 to 55.816
  • Longitude from: -6.236 to 2.072
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Marine Management Organisation

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

08 October 2016

Revision date

08 October 2016

Publication date



  • N/A


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