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  3. Moorland Deep Peat AP Status

Moorland Deep Peat AP Status


The Peat Layer was produced by Natural England (ARM team) during June-October 2008, with the aim of identifying the extent of three classes of peaty soils for the purposes of the Partnership Project to Protect and Enhance Peat Soils (aka. The Peat Project). The Peat Project is a joint initiative of Defra, Natural England, the Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, Welsh Assembly Government, Countryside Council for Wales, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Cadw and the Department for Energy and Climate Change, and aims to improve coordination between these partners in our efforts to understand, manage and restore peaty soils.BGS, Cranfield University (NSRI) and OS must be acknowledged in any reports or documents produced as a result of using the Peat layer.



Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

Derived from 1:50 000 scale BGS Digital Data under Licence 2006/072 British Geological Survey. © NERC. National Soils map © Cranfield University (NSRI) © Crown Copyright and database rights [year]. © Natural England copyright [Year], reproduced with the permission of Natural England, © Crown Copyright and database right [year]. Ordnance Survey licence number 100022021.

Technical information

Update frequency



Several data layers were used in the geoprocessing to create the Moorland Deep AP Status data. The approach involved identifying areas of deep peat within the Moorland Line using soil, geological drift and habitat mapping, and using aerial photographs taken between 1999-2008, to create maps of visible peatland status and land use. National Soils map data © Cranfield University, BGS geology data and blanket bog data taken from the National Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) were used to show the location of peaty soils. This provided an indicative layer for the area of peat and peat soils in England. Soils classed as “deep peaty soils” were selected for use in this project. Moorland line classification was used to select upland areas from within this mapped area of deep peaty soils. The moorland line is mapped to represent areas of unimproved, moorland vegetation representations to remove areas of non-moorland land from the moorland line. As such, it represents our best mapping of upland moorland in England, and should contain no areas of non-moorland vegetation larger than 5ha in size. This provides a map of deep peaty soils under moorland vegetation. In addition, all areas under 1ha were deleted from the data set. The aim of this was to remove all areas which were smaller than the minimum mappable unit for this exercise and to reduce the total number of polygons to be assessed, while maintaining the greatest possible assessment area. More information can be found in the Natural England Commissioned Report NECR089 Mapping the status of upland peat using aerial photographs on Natural England’s Access to Evidence site Datasets used; 1:50 000 scale drift mapping - BGS National Soils map - Cranfield University (NSRI) Moorland Line - RPA National Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), National Parks & Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) – NE

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.86 to 55.81
  • Longitude from: -7.05 to 2.07
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Natural England

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

22 October 2008

Revision date

23 July 2021

Publication date



  • From: 22 October 2008
  • To: 31 December 2099


Data and Supporting Information
Data services and download by area of interestLinkAction
Download data by area of interestN/AOpen link
Natural England Access to Evidence CatalogueOpen link
REST URLOpen link
Moorland Deep Peat AP Status ESRI REST Feature Server EndpointOpen link
ArcGIS Open Dataset record pageOpen link
Moorland-deep-peat-ap-status-england_WMSCopy linkPreview
Moorland-deep-peat-ap-status-england_WFSCopy linkN/A
OGC API - Features serviceCopy linkOpen link
Full downloads and supporting documentationFormatAction
England's peatlands carbon storage and greenhouse gases.urlURLDownload
Mapping the status of upland peat using aerial photographs.urlURLDownload
National Soils map.urlURLDownload
Non-Commercial Government Licence.urlURLDownload