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  3. SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankton Data 2020 - 2023

SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankton Data 2020 - 2023


This dataset consists of analysed phytoplankton data from the years 2020- August 2023 collected in UK waters from the SmartBuoy moorings at Dowsing, WestGabbard2, Warp and Liverpool Bay using WMS and EDU automated water samplers. SmartBuoys consist of a 4 meter tall stainless steel frame with a fibreglass toroid for buoyancy. Instruments are attached at a nominal 1 meter depth to the frame. The water samplers collect into pre-spiked bags containing acidified Lugols Iodine on a pre-determined cycle over the course of a deployment. As of the beginning of this data set water samples have been taken using a CTD rosette on mooring turnarounds in case of buoy failure, reducing the issue of data gaps Following recovery these samples were analysed for a full community of phytoplankton species using the Utermohl method on high-power inverted microscopes. Phytoplankton cell counts are abundance values reported in Cells per Litre.




Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

See Cefas Data Portal for details – link to dataset below.

Technical information

Update frequency



This dataset is a continuation of the 'SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankon Data 2001-2017 (Milligan and Bear (2019). SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - Phytoplankton Data 2001-2017. Cefas, UK. V2. doi: ``_ and Larter and the Phytoplankton Taxonomy Team (2021). SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankton Data 2018-2019. Cefas, UK. V1. doi: ``_ These deployments form part of the National Marine Monitoring Programme (NMMP) funded by the UK Government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). SmartBuoy phytoplankton data is primarily used for eutrophication monitoring and feeds into OSPAR and MSFD assessments. Buoys have also been deployed as part of short term (up to 3 years) research contracts. Phytoplankton samples have been collected using SmartBuoys since April 2001 at a variety of locations in the North Sea, Irish Sea and Celtic Sea. Blanks in the dataset constitute information which is unavailable and should be treated as missing. This dataset is now Version 2, which includes Size Class information per taxa and a .txt file to provide detailed descriptions for each column. .. _``: .. _``:

Spatial information

Coordinate reference system


Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 51.5 to 53.75
  • Longitude from: -3.5 to 2.5
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science

Contact publisher

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

18 January 2024

Revision date

25 January 2024

Publication date

25 January 2024


  • From: 16 January 2020
  • To: 02 August 2023


Data and Supporting Information
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The Cefas Data Portal contains metadata records and data sets available to download and connect to in support of our commitment to open science. Data is available in the following formats: CSV, ESRI Shapefile. The data can also be accessed via the WFS and WMS protocols.Open link