Ancient Woodland - Revised (England) - Completed Counties
Updated Boundaries of Ancient Woodland polygons covering England. This is the updated spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent and location of ancient woodland in England (excluding the Isles of Scilly). Ancient Woodland features will be approved county-by-county for publication throughout the first year of production until the data product coverage extends across England. Where available this dataset takes precedence over the Ancient Woodland – England dataset. The update revises the inventory to address problems and gaps in the previous iteration. Technological advances mean that small ancient woodlands (0.25-2ha) are being represented within the inventory for the first time as well as wood pasture and parkland being represented as its own category. The inventory identifies ancient woodland sites in England. Ancient woodland is identified by studying the presence or absence of woods from historic maps, information about the wood's name, shape, internal boundaries, location relative to other features, ground survey, and aerial photography. The information recorded about each wood and stored on the Inventory Database includes its grid reference, its area in hectares and how much is semi-natural or replanted. Prior to the digitisation of the boundaries, only paper maps depicting each ancient wood at 1:50 000 scale were available. Attribution statement: © Natural England 2024. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database rights 2024. OS AC0000851168. It includes Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland (ASNW), which retains a native tree and shrub cover; Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS), where the original tree cover has been felled and replaced by planting, often with conifers; Ancient Wood Pasture (AWPP), where the trees are managed in tandem with a long established tradition of grazing, characteristically with at least some veteran trees or shrubs or; Infilled Ancient Wood Pasture (IAWPP) which has become infilled with trees arising from planting or natural regeneration.
Use limitation statement
There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.
Open Government LicenceAttribution statement
© Natural England 2023, Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database rights 2023. OS AC0000851168
Technical information
Update frequency
The ancient woodland boundaries are digitised to OS MasterMap - assessed by licencing staff as suitable for OS Presumption to Publish process. However, the maps that Ancient Woodlands are based upon include the OS 1” First Edition maps, the OS 1:25 000 and the OS 1:50 000 maps. The boundaries cannot be taken as precise, especially where they are surrounded by woodland, and are only precisely comparable with other boundaries at the 1” map scale (1:63 360). The inventory identifies over 22,000 ancient woodland sites in England. Ancient woodland is identified using presence or absence of woods from old maps, information about the wood's name, shape, internal boundaries, location relative to other features, ground survey, and aerial photography. The information recorded about each wood and stored on the Inventory Database includes its grid reference, its area in hectares and how much is semi-natural or replanted. Prior to the digitisation of the boundaries, only paper maps depicting each ancient wood at 1:50 000 scale were available. The datasets consulted: OS MasterMap, OS First Edition Maps (Historic County Series Maps Epoch 1-4), Historic OS Drawings, Aerial Imagery, Original AWI Datasheets, Open Source old historical maps (varies depending on county agreements), BSBI Indicator species data, County Tithe Maps, Forestry Commission National Forest Inventory and Forest Condition Survey. Besides the isolated and modified woodland boundaries derived from OS MasterMap that have been identified Ancient Woodland, additional third party data is viewed for informative purposes only during the creation of the project layer. No data from any other of these third party sources is copied, transferred or viewable in the layer to be published."
Spatial information
Coordinate reference system extent
- Latitude from: 49.943 to 55.816
- Longitude from: -6.236 to 2.072
Metadata information
Metadata identifier
Published by
Natural England
Contact publisher reference dates
Creation date
25 January 2024
Revision date
09 December 2024
Publication date
- N/A