Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Downton Gorge LTMNB33
This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Downton Gorge which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural environment. All LTMN vegetation surveys (no. 80 surveys, spanning 2010 – 2019) have been transferred to a new template to provide improvements and consistency, and are now fully Quality Assured and republished.
Use limitation statement
There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.
Open Government LicenceAttribution statement
Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [year].
Technical information
Update frequency
The data was collected using the Environmental Change Network (ECN) Course Grain Vegetation protocol. On surveys undertaken by external contractors, data collation and QA was carried out by the contractor using ECN formatted excel spreadsheets. On surveys organised In-house using NE, partners staff and volunteers, the LTMN technical guidance for the digital entry and quality assurance of vegetation survey data protocol was used to ensure consistant collation and QA of the data. ECN Course Grain vegetation survey methodology uses 2m x 2m quadrats, with each plot divided into 25 cells of 40cm x 40cm.
Spatial information
Coordinate reference system
http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/27700Geographic extent
- Latitude from: 52.35 to 52.36
- Longitude from: -2.83 to -2.8
Metadata information
Metadata identifier
Published by
Natural England
Contact publisher
data.services@naturalengland.org.ukDataset reference dates
Creation date
25 April 2016
Revision date
01 July 2020
Publication date
15 May 2019
- From: 01 April 2016
- To: 25 April 2016
Data and Supporting Information
Data services and download by area of interest | Link | Action |
ArcGIS Open Dataset record page | Open link |