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  3. Recovery and Recycling Packaging Summary

Recovery and Recycling Packaging Summary


This record is Approved for Access product AfA360. The Recovery and Recycling Packaging Summary provides information/data on recycling & recovery by each quarter. Figures in this product are for voluntary returns. Although most operators will work within the system owing to the commercial value of claiming credits there is no obligation to do so. These figures therefore may legitimately not reflect the total amount of wastes processed/treated. Information on non-reporters (by the deadline) is shown. Any subsequent updates (quarterly) will contain both late returns and any amendments to other returns (which are commonplace). ePRN means electronic packaging waste recovery notes (ePERN for exports).

Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

© Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2019. All rights reserved.

Technical information

Update frequency



Customer submit returns on a quarterly basis for compliance period for that year into the National Packaging Waste Database (NWPD). Data is validated by the Environment Agency

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.943 to 55.816
  • Longitude from: -6.236 to 2.072
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Environment Agency

Contact publisher

Defra Data Services Forum

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

01 January 2007

Revision date


Publication date



  • From: 01 January 2006
  • To: 31 December 2024


Data and Supporting Information
Data services and download by area of interestLinkAction
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