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  3. National Biodiversity Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (England)

National Biodiversity Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (England)


Natural England has developed a GIS model that provides an assessment of the vulnerability of priority habitats to climate change based on principles of adaptation for biodiversity. It identifies why areas are vulnerable and which possible interventions can have the biggest impact in increasing resilience to the changing climate. This will inform prioritisation of adaptation action and assist in the development of adaptation strategies for biodiversity both within Natural England and with our partners. The NBCCVA uses a 200m x200m GIS grid model to assess priority habitats for their Sensitivity to climate change, Adaptive Capacity; including habitat fragmentation, topographic variety and current management and condition and Conservation Value. The metrics can then be added together to produce an overall vulnerability assessment. Key outputs are maps showing the metric results and the range of relative vulnerability across the country, giving a visual representation of the areas vulnerable to climate change.


Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [year].

Technical information

Update frequency



Source data - Natural England Single Habitat Inventory Layer (Oct-2013), Extracted from Environment Agency Detailed River Network, WFD (good ecological status), SSSI, SSSI units, Natura 2000, Ancient woodland inventory, woodland grant schemes, Agri-environment scheme beneficial options (NE NI197 dataset), Environment Agency Catchment Abstraction Management Strategies – all WRMU with a status of ‘water available’, Land Cover Map 2007, Ordnance Survey OpenData Meridian 2 dataset of Motorways and dual carriageways, EA Flood Zones, NextMap DTM. NBCCV Assessment Tool used to create raster data to run the cc vuln assessment on.

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.86 to 55.81
  • Longitude from: -7.05 to 2.07
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Natural England

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

06 December 2013

Revision date


Publication date

31 January 2020


  • From: 06 December 2013
  • To: 31 December 2099


Data and Supporting Information
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