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  3. UK Ward Canopy Cover

UK Ward Canopy Cover


This dataset is the output from the UK canopy cover webmap project, which aimed to assess the percentage tree canopy cover in every ward in the UK. Forest Research delivered the project with partners Brillianto, Trees for Cities, and Woodland Trust. Wards were classified as urban or rural based on size: wards larger than 1,000 Ha were classed as rural. Data were gathered through citizen science volunteers, who used the i-Tree Canopy tool ( to assess percentage canopy cover within ward boundaries. A User Guide was provided to the volunteers, with step-by-step instructions and pictorial support ( i-Tree Canopy randomly distributes points within a study area (ward boundary), overlain on Google aerial imagery. Users examine the points in sequence to determine whether the point lies over a tree canopy or not, classifying each point as either “tree” or “non-tree” accordingly. Typically 350 to 600 points were assessed per ward, leading to a standard error of less than 2%. Percentage tree canopy cover was calculated as (n/N)*100 where n is the number of “tree” points and N is the total number of sample points. Results were returned to Forest Research in the form of percentage canopy cover, standard error, number of points, and the i-Tree Canopy project file. Data quality was monitored through screening of submitted results by Forest Research project staff for all new participants, and at regular intervals for experienced contributors. Most wards were assessed only once. Where a ward was assessed by more than one contributor, the results were combined where possible. Data were collected between 2018 and 2022. All urban wards were completed.

country [Country] The country within which the Ward is located as defined by the Ward code. [E050000xx = England; N08000xxx = Northern Ireland; S1300xxxx = Scotland; W050000xx = Wales]

wardcode [Ward code] The unique code associated with the Ward boundary. Ward boundaries are based on OS Boundary-Line data (OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2017). Most Ward boundaries are from the 2017 OS Boundary-Line dataset. However, a few users returned boundaries from the 2018 OS Boundary-Line dataset; the dataset was amended to reflect which boundary was used in the i-Tree Canopy assessment.

wardname [Ward name] The name of the Ward boundary. Ward boundaries are based on OS Boundary-Line data (OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2017). Most Ward boundaries are from the 2017 OS Boundary-Line dataset. However, a few users returned boundaries from the 2018 OS Boundary-Line dataset; the dataset was amended to reflect which boundary was used in the i-Tree Canopy assessment.

designated [Urban/Rural] Whether the Ward has been identified as an Urban or Rural Ward. Wards were classified as Urban or Rural based on size: wards larger than 1,000 Ha were classed as Rural.

status [Status] Current analysis status of the ward. All Wards in the dataset have been Completed.

survyear [Survey year] The year the i-Tree Canopy assessment was completed, Data collected between 2018 and 2022.

percancov [Percentage canopy cover] The average canopy cover for the ward boundary as calculated by the i-Tree Canopy model.

standerr [Standard Error] The Standard Error associated with the average canopy cover value as calculated by the i-Tree Canopy model.

numpts [Number of points] Number of points completed for the i-Tree Canopy assessment of the ward.

warea [Ward area] The area of the Ward boundary (m2)


Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.


Contains Forestry Commission information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Attribution statement

Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] [year].

Technical information

Update frequency



Forest Research built a webmap ( in ArcGIS Online with layers containing ward boundaries, downloadable ward boundary shapefiles, and percentage canopy cover results submitted to the project. Most ward boundaries are from the 2017 OS Boundary-Line dataset (OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2017). Some users returned results using boundaries from the 2018 OS Boundary-Line dataset; the canopy cover dataset was amended according to which boundary was used for the assessment. Wards were classified as urban or rural according to their size, with wards exceeding 1,000 Ha being classified as rural. Citizen science volunteers were asked to download ward boundaries, to load them into the i-Tree Canopy tool (, and to use the tool to determine the percentage canopy cover within the ward boundary. Results were returned to Forest Research in the form of percentage canopy cover, standard error, number of points, and i-Tree Canopy project file. The results were input to the webmap dataset. A selection of results were examined by Forest Research project staff to ensure data quality. The primary aim was to assess all UK urban wards but some users requested and were supplied with rural wards to complete. All urban wards were completed. The process was managed in ArcGIS Online using the Forest Research – UK Canopy Cover Map and associated layers (

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 48.491093 to 61.283993
  • Longitude from: -8.855252 to 3.633218
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Forestry Commission

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

01 April 2023

Revision date

01 April 2023

Publication date



  • N/A


Data and Supporting Information
Data services and download by area of interestLinkAction
External version on Defra Data Services PlatformOpen link