Coastal Overview Legislation [Eng only]
Coastal Legislative Layer [Polyline]. The Coastal Overview data layers identifies the lead authority for the management of discrete stretches of the English coast as defined by the Seaward of the Schedule 4 boundary of the Coastal Protection Act 1949. The data are intended as a reference for GIS users and Coastal Engineers with GIS capability to identify the responsible authority or whether the coast is privately owned. The information has been assigned from the following sources, listed in by preference: Shoreline Management Plans 1. Environment Agency’s RACE database. Consultation with Coastal Business User Group and Local Authority Maritime records where possible. A confidence rating is attributed based on where the data has been attributed from and the entry derived from the source data. The following data is intended as a reference document for GIS users and Coastal Engineers with GIS capability to identify the responsible authority and the assigned EA Coastal Engineer so as to effectively manage the coast for erosion and flooding. The product comprises 3 GIS layers that are based on the OS MasterMap Mean High Watermark, this layers is: Coastal Legislative Layer [Polyline] (AfA139-3) represents the predominant risk; flooding or erosion, which are assigned to each section of the coastline.
Use limitation statement
There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.
Attribution statement
© Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2016. All rights reserved. © Crown copyright and database rights 2009 Ordnance Survey 100024198
Use constraints
Special conditions:
- This Information may only be used by you either in accordance with conditions 2 and 3 or with condition 4 below and in either event in accordance with condition 5 below unless use is limited to use that is authorised by any statute or does not require a licence from us.
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4.1 You must only use the Information in a way that we have confirmed in writing to you supports our statutory functions, and 4.2 One or more of the following conditions must also be complied with as a result of the Information containing Ordnance Survey Data: • you have an Ordnance Survey Public Sector Use, Educational Use or Business Use licence for the same OS Data used and for the area of coverage as the Information and provide us with written confirmation of your eligibility under this paragraph, and/or • you will use the Information only to enable you to correspond or otherwise interact with us in connection with our environmental functions, and use under this paragraph will be internal only unless both we and Ordnance Survey agree otherwise in writing. You agree that by using the Information under this paragraph you are accepting that the terms of this licence will also act as a click acceptance of a licence with us on the terms set out in the Ordnance Survey PSGA Licence “Public Sector End User Licence” whereby we are the Licensor, you are the End User the “Supplied Data” means the Information, and/or • you are an emergency service, that is to say a person, body or entity involved in responding immediately to an emergency that is an unforeseen act or event beyond your reasonable control requiring you to respond urgently. You may use the Information only for the purposes of such response and provided that you advise us in writing within a month of the Information and geographical coverage you used, with the date and nature of the emergency and how the Information was needed. 5.1 “OS PSGA Licence” means the latest version of the Ordnance Survey Public Sector Geospatial Agreement Member Licence a copy of which is available on the Ordnance Survey website. 5.2 You must destroy all copies of the Information at the end of the contract or period of pemitted use subject only to any retentions necessarily required by statute or otherwise by legal obligation or for archive purposes. This must be for the sole purpose of addressing a complaint or challenge from a regulator or the National Audit Office in relation to your use of the Information provided that such continued retention shall not continue beyond termination pursuant to condition 4.3 below 5.3 This licence shall terminate on 31/03/2030 or on earlier termination of our arrangement with Ordnance Survey. We will attempt to give you three months notice of such termination. 5.4 You agree, for the benefit of Ordnance Survey that they shall owe no liability to you whatsoever in relation to the Information. 5.5 if you make a supply of the Information to a third party in accordance with these conditions it must be only to a contractor or partner for the same purpose as our supply to you and you must make no charge that exceeds marginal costs of supply unless it is a statutory charge.
Technical information
Update frequency
Geometry has been derived from Ordnance Survey MasterMap Topography’s Mean High Watermark.
Spatial information
Coordinate reference system extent
- Latitude from: 49.943 to 55.816
- Longitude from: -6.236 to 2.072
Metadata information
Metadata identifier
Published by
Environment Agency
Contact publisher
Defra Data Services ForumDataset reference dates
Creation date
01 January 2009
Revision date
09 May 2012
Publication date
- From: 01 January 2009