MMO1064 marine recreation model output to inform the potential for Boat Angling in England
This model output illustrates the potential for Boat Based Angling activity in English waters as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. It was compiled using 24 input parameters and a defined 1km2 analysis grid. The purpose of this study was to develop a computer model to map areas of potential marine recreation in England and support data previously gathered on marine recreation to support the decision making process of marine planning.
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© Marine Management Organisation copyright and/or database right 2023. All rights reserved.
Technical information
Update frequency
The analysis grid allows the model to assess each cell (assigned a unique identifier, GID) of the model extent against the influence of the 24 input parameter data layers. These 24 Input parameters are: Baseline Activity Areas, Estuary Areas, Land Access Points, Car Parks Presence, Marina Distance, Mooring Distance, Slipway Distance, Land Habitats, Intertidal Habitats, Birds on Land, Land Reserves, Water Depth, Wind Magnitude, Wave Height, Water Quality, Subtidal Habitats (Reef and Hard Substrate), Seahorses, Cetaceans, Basking Sharks, Seals at Sea, Birds at Sea, Accessible Wrecks, Leisure Navigation, Restricted Areas. A scoring matrix was applied to the model, which scored each of the parameters according to their influence on the recreation activity being modelled. For each cell the model totalled (TSCORE) the scores of each parameter in a given cell; the cells with the highest score = most potential for recreation for that recreation activity, and vice versa. These scores and criteria were informed through recreation stakeholder consultation. Additional attribute fields include (a) the characteristic of the cell in terms of each of the 24 input parameters (columns before TSCORE); and (b) the score for each of these 24 parameters based on the activity preferences (columns after TSCORE). To look up the definition of each field heading see the spreadsheet Activity Matrix Tool , columns Tfield (a) and Sfield (b) respectively.
Spatial information
Coordinate reference system extent
- Latitude from: 49.943 to 55.816
- Longitude from: -6.236 to 2.072
Metadata information
Metadata identifier
Published by
Marine Management Organisation
Contact publisher reference dates
Creation date
05 January 2014
Revision date
05 January 2014
Publication date
- N/A