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  3. RICT - Location Checker for Model 44 Input Variables

RICT - Location Checker for Model 44 Input Variables


A database of environmental input parameters for River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS Model 44) implemented in a new version of the River Invertebrate Classification Tool (RICT).

The model predicts the invertebrate biological communities (species composition, abundance and value of biotic indices) at any site if its environmental quality was minimally impacted by people.

The database contains abiotic environmental parameters from geographical information systems for the river network of Great Britain on a 50 m grid based on the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) Intelligent River Network. It includes the start and end location of the river segment on the Intelligent River Network on a 50m grid so that users can identify the river segment for which they want data.

The data is delivered to users from an online GIS system that allows them to select a location by Ordnance Survey grid reference, select an area and extract data for up to 9 river segments within that area.

For user documentation and guidance please see the link to RICT user documentation in the data resources available below.



Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

Use of this data is subject to the licence attached. © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2020. All rights reserved.

Third party IP:

  • CEH (IHDTM Flow Grid; IHDTM Cumulative Catchment Area grid; 1:50,000 Watercourses data; Grid2Grid mean annual discharge 1km grid & Grid2Grid cumulative catchment area 1km grid)
  • OS (Landform-PANORAMA)
  • BGS (DiGMapGB-625: Bedrock geology & Superficial theme)

Use constraints

Specific licensing conditions:

  1. You are not permitted to use the data for commercial activity unrelated to classifying the ecological quality of the rivers. And if we have indicated to you in writing that only some of the Information is subject to a third party restriction this condition will be limited accordingly.
  2. We have restricted use of the Information as a result of legal restrictions placed upon us to protect the rights or confidentialities of others. If you contact us in writing (this includes email) we will, as far as confidentiality rules allow, provide you with details including, if available, how you might seek permission from a third party to extend your use rights.
  3. This condition does not apply if use is limited to use that is authorised by any statute or use that does not require a licence from us.
Technical information

Update frequency



RICT Location Checker to retrieve variables for Model 44 of RICT.

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.585626 to 59.716219
  • Longitude from: -8.373505 to 2.313993
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Environment Agency

Contact publisher

Defra Data Services Forum

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

25 June 2020

Revision date

25 June 2020

Publication date



  • From: 25 June 2020


Data and Supporting Information
Data services and download by area of interestLinkAction
Download data by area of interestN/AOpen link
RICT User documentationOpen link