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  3. North East Atlantic Seafloor Marine Litter Data 1992 - 2014

North East Atlantic Seafloor Marine Litter Data 1992 - 2014


Seafloor litter data obtained by Cefas during various RV fish and environmental surveys in North East Atlantic waters 1992 -2014.




Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

See Cefas Data Portal for details – link to dataset below.

Technical information

Update frequency



RV Cruise data from 3 particular surveys the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS), the ICES Ground Fish Surveys (Q4SW) and the Clean Seas Environment Monitoring Programme (CSEMP) survey from 1992 to 2014 using the classification system according to Galgani et al., 2013. Galgani, F., Hanke, G., Werner, S., Oosterbaan, L., Nilsson, P., Fleet, D., Kinsey, S., Thompson, R.C., van Franeker, J., Vlachogianni, T., Scoullos, M., Veiga, J.M., Palatinus, A., Matiddi, M., Maes, T., Korpinen, S., Budziak, A., Leslie, H., Gago, J., Liebezeit, G., 2013. Monitoring guidance for marine litter in European seas. MSFD GES Technical Subgroup on Marine Litter (TSG-ML). Draft report, July 2013. 120 pp.

Spatial information

Coordinate reference system


Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 48 to 62.5
  • Longitude from: -10 to 3.5
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science

Contact publisher

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

10 September 2015

Revision date

16 February 2024

Publication date

26 October 2015


  • From: Invalid Date
  • To: Invalid Date


Data and Supporting Information
Data services and download by area of interestLinkAction
The Cefas Data Portal contains metadata records and data sets available to download and connect to in support of our commitment to open science. Data is available in the following formats: CSV, ESRI Shapefile. The data can also be accessed via the WFS and WMS protocols.Open link