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  3. Experimental results on the effect of Acid and Neutral Iodine on phytoplankton sample preservation expressed as cell counts, undertaken in 2013 - 2014

Experimental results on the effect of Acid and Neutral Iodine on phytoplankton sample preservation expressed as cell counts, undertaken in 2013 - 2014


The data are the results of lab experiments conducted in 2013-2014 at the Cefas laboratory, Lowestoft, UK. Multiple marine phytoplankton taxa were preserved in one of three different Lugol's Iodine solutions (one neutral and two acidified at different strengths). Samples were enumerated over a period of 8 months to investigate degradation rates across taxa and preservatives.




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There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

See Cefas Data Portal for details – link to dataset below.

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Samples consisted of 5 cultured species Ditylum brightwellii, Prorocentrum lima, Karenia mikimotoi, Coccolithus pelagicus & Tetraselmis suecica and one wild (mixed) sample. Each of the samples were diluted and divided equally between three plastic bottles which had been spiked with one of three Lugol's Iodine solutions (one neutral and two acidic). After 24 hrs a 5mL subsample from each bottle was settled into a 5mL Utermöhl chamber and all cells enumerated using an inverted microscope, after which the subsample was discarded. The process was repeated after 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and 8 months after preservation. This dataset has been used within the following peer-review publication. ``_ .. _``:

Spatial information

Coordinate reference system


Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 52.25 to 52.5
  • Longitude from: 1.5 to 2
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Published by

Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science

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Dataset reference dates

Creation date

27 March 2013

Revision date

13 February 2024

Publication date

09 October 2015


  • From: 01 April 2013
  • To: 31 March 2014


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