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  3. Current Aquaculture Potential from MMO1040

Current Aquaculture Potential from MMO1040


Areas identified through GIS modelling of suitable environmental conditions in the South and East Marine Plan Areas favourable for macroalgae culture, Bivalve Bottom Culture, Finfish Cage, Lobster Restocking, Rope Cultured Bivalve Shellfish or Trestle Bag Culture of Bivalves in the South and East Coast Marine Plan Areas. This dataset forms part of a wider study assessing different aquaculture potential in the South and East Marine Plan Areas for the Marine Management Organisation, project MMO1040.


Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

© Marine Management Organisation copyright and/or database right 2023. All rights reserved.

Technical information

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This dataset was created using the Natural Resource model which forms part of the MMO project 1040 Spatial Trends in Aquaculture Potential in the South and East Coast Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas. The Natural Resource model is made up of three existing environmental datasets: bathymetry derived from the Department of Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Digital Elevation Model (DEM), predicted seabed sediments and combined seabed energy, both from UKSeaMap 2010 (McBreen, et al., 2010). Suitable environmental conditions applied include - low-moderate seabed energy, any sediment type, 10-25 m water depth for current potential and 25-50 m water depth for near future potential). The depth limitations in this instance are based on the industry current reliance on scuba-divers for maintenance and husbandry. It is anticipated that as the industry develops it will become less reliant on divers and be able to move into deeper waters. Note that although the Natural Resource model used the best environmental data available for use in the study, there are significant limitations and gaps. These are outlined below and are discussed in more detail in the final project report: The Natural Resource model does not contain any measure of water quality (e.g. dissolved oxygen, sediment loading or contaminants) and therefore is likely to overestimate the area deemed suitable for aquaculture developments, particularly fin fish cage culture, rope grown bivalve culture and macroalgae culture. The UKSeaMap 2010 predicted seabed sediment map (McBreen, et al., 2010) is modelled at a coarse scale which has led to inaccuracies in the identification of areas which have potential for aquaculture development. UKSeaMap 2010 is known to under-estimate rock habitats because of the type of s&ling data (sediment grabs) used to underpin the model. It is recommended that this component of the model is supplemented or replaced by higher resolution sediment maps where they are available for the region of interest. The UKSeaMap 2010 combined seabed energy map included in the model (McBreen, et al., 2010) provides an approximation of the environmental conditions that are likely to limit aquaculture development (e.g. strong currents and large waves) but more accurate results could be obtained by using more precise component datasets such as the maximum wave height and tidal current range, where these datasets are available and the precise limitations of the aquaculture activities of interest are known.

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.943 to 55.816
  • Longitude from: -6.236 to 2.072
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Marine Management Organisation

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

07 January 2013

Revision date

16 October 2013

Publication date



  • N/A


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