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  3. Complete list of translated genotype names (spoligotype:VNTR type).

Complete list of translated genotype names (spoligotype:VNTR type).


This dataset provides a list of translated genotype names (spoligotype:VNTR type) for bovine tuberculosis genotypes. Each isolate of bovine tuberculosis (bTB), usually one per herd breakdown, is spoligotyped and then VNTR typed at 6 loci. Together the spoligotype and VNTR type of an isolate are refered to as its genotype. Each unique spoligotype pattern is given a number, such as APHA Type 17 but the VNTR type is a complex set of 6 numbers such as 7-5-5-5*-3-3.1. To simplify the reporting of bTB genotypes the combination of spoligotype and VNTR type is 'translated' into a simpler format: spoligotype number followed by a colon followed by a letter. Thus, an isolate of APHA Type 17 and a VNTR type 7-5-5-5*-3-3.1 is known as genotype 17:a. This file lists the translation between simplified genotype and the original spoligotype/VNTR data.




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There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

©Crown Copyright, APHA 2016

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This dataset provides a list of translated genotype names (spoligotype:VNTR type) for bovine tuberculosis genotypes. Each isolate of bovine tuberculosis (bTB), usually one per herd breakdown, is spoligotyped and then VNTR typed at 6 loci. Together the spoligotype and VNTR type of an isolate are refered to as its genotype. Each unique spoligotype pattern is given a number, such as APHA Type 17 but the VNTR type is a complex set of 6 numbers such as 7-5-5-5*-3-3.1. To simplify the reporting of bTB genotypes the combination of spoligotype and VNTR type is 'translated' into a simpler format: spoligotype number followed by a colon followed by a letter. Thus, an isolate of APHA Type 17 and a VNTR type 7-5-5-5*-3-3.1 is known as genotype 17:a. This file lists the translation between simplified genotype and the original spoligotype/VNTR data.

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.86 to 60.86
  • Longitude from: -8.45 to 1.78
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Animal & Plant Health Agency

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Dataset reference dates

Creation date


Revision date


Publication date

14 June 2016


  • From: 28 May 2003
  • To: 18 February 2016


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