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  3. MMO1135 Potential Sabellaria Alveolata Restoration (Historic Sites)

MMO1135 Potential Sabellaria Alveolata Restoration (Historic Sites)


Sites in England (and Wales) where Sabellaria alveolata may either be currently present, or used to be historically. Point databased on a spreadsheet provided by AER (Aquatic Environmental Research), which was in turn derived by downloading relelvant records from OBIS (a global open-access database on marine biodiversity). Irrelevant/duplicate columns were deleted from the spreadsheet, and records classed according to age. The rationale of presenting the data is that the shown points would likely still/again be able to support new, or more extensive, biogenic reefs. This is particularly the case as larval recruitment is thought to be a key condition for the successful restoration or creation of a site. Limitations include those commonly related to the use of open source data (including possible errors, including in the use of species names, geo-referencing, data handling, and mapping), as well as the fact that the presence of a record does not necessarily indicate the presence of a biogenic reef, but may merely show records of individuals. It does also not indicate that all environmental conditions are still suitable for biogenic reef creation (further investigation recommended once preferred sites have been identified). The data may also become outdated, and regular updates should be considered.When investigating Sabellaria alveolata presence in a given area, records from further databases should ideally also be consulted, notably that of the National Biodiversity Network.


Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

© Marine Management Organisation copyright and/or database right 2023. All rights reserved.

Technical information

Update frequency



Produced by downloading English records for the species from the OBIS database in October 2018 (by AER). The records included spatial information, so was loaded as a datalayer on the basis of the information provided in OBIS. No further verificaiton was undertaken. The original data contains records across Europe and so for MMO Evidence requirments this dataset was clipped to the British Isles.

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.943 to 55.816
  • Longitude from: -6.236 to 2.072
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Marine Management Organisation

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

04 March 2019

Revision date

04 March 2019

Publication date



  • N/A


Data and Supporting Information
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