Land with Sea Views (Marine Management Organisation)
This layer has been developed in order to understand the extent of intervisibility between the South Inshore and South Offshore marine plan areas (as defined by the Marine Management Organisation) and the adjacent land onshore (in England). The colour of the grid cells on land represents the number of observation points (spaced 500m apart throughout South Inshore and South Offshore marine plan areas) that can be seen from each location on land (evaluated at points spaced 500m apart). The data has been classified into percentiles in order to highlight those areas on land that have the most extensive views of the sea surface in the marine plan areas. The darker reds indicate locations within the highest percentile of views of the sea and the darker blues indicate locations that have views of the sea, but they are not very extensive relative to other locations.
Use limitation statement
There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.
Open Government LicenceAttribution statement
© Marine Management Organisation copyright and/or database right 2023. All rights reserved.
Technical information
Update frequency
There are several caveats associated with the dataset which are as follows: - The data represent the baseline scenario i.e. the sea surface rather than any particular offshore development scenario, so it needs to be acknowledged that if structures were to be added to the sea surface (e.g. turbines), then visibility of these would likely extend further inland (although bear in mind this will not increase visibility of the sea surface, just the development) - The modelling is based on a bare ground digital representation of the earths surface without any surface features, so visibility (and intervisibility) is likely to be an exaggeration of the actual situation. The addition of surface features, such as buildings and vegetation, would have the effect of blocking some views. - The resolution of the Digital Elevation Model will affect the sensitivity of the modelling being able to reflect small topographical features. - An equivalent Digital Elevation Model of France has not been sourced for this study. Therefore views of the sea from France have not been included in this mapping - Application of a theoretical limit on visibility of 35km imposes a layer of assumption that is based on guidance that relates to the significance of impacts of views of offshore turbines over this distance rather than having been measured for this work. - Placing observer points with a grid spacing of 500m between them on land may mean that some topographical features (such as ridgelines and peaks) are not accounted for in the model. - In order to remain objective, no provision has been made to weight the analysis towards high quality views or locations where large numbers of people would be expected.
Spatial information
Coordinate reference system extent
- Latitude from: 49.943 to 55.816
- Longitude from: -6.236 to 2.072
Metadata information
Metadata identifier
Published by
Marine Management Organisation
Contact publisher reference dates
Creation date
21 August 2013
Revision date
21 August 2013
Publication date
- N/A