Apiary Inspections for Exotic Pests in England - 2011
This dataset provides figures for the number of apiaries and colonies inspected for Exotic pests by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives figures for inspections carried out during 2011, and is broken down to county level within England only. This dataset includes the following fields: Region; County; No. of Apiaries Inspected; No. of Colonies Inspected (figures for total number inspected, and number of dead colonies inspected); Number of colonies with Small hive beetle; Number of colonies with Tropilaelaps. Please note: this dataset has been drawn from a live database available via the NBU website. This is a dynamic system, which has been sampled here at a single point in time, but which reflects system amendments/data updates in the 'live' environment. This could cause the data to change over time, as data is updated or amended retrospectively. County data is reflective of the counties stored in BeeBase, and may not necessarily reflect current recognised counties/unitary authorities. Neither Small hive beetle nor Tropilaelaps mites have been confirmed in the UK to date.
Use limitation statement
There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.
Open Government LicenceAttribution statement
©Crown Copyright
Technical information
Update frequency
Spatial information
Coordinate reference system
http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/27700Geographic extent
- Latitude from: 50 to 55.8
- Longitude from: -5.7 to 1.8
Metadata information
Metadata identifier
Published by
Animal & Plant Health Agency
Contact publisher
aphaopendata@apha.gov.ukDataset reference dates
Creation date
22 April 2016
Revision date
Publication date
20 June 2016
- From: 01 January 2011
- To: 31 December 2011
Data and Supporting Information
Data services and download by area of interest | Link | Action |
http://data.defra.gov.uk/Agriculture/APHA0364-Apiary_Inspections_for_Exotic_Pests_2011.csv | Open link |