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  3. Horizontal and vertical movement data derived from a data storage tag deployed on a single Atlantic cod in the English Channel from 2005 to 2006

Horizontal and vertical movement data derived from a data storage tag deployed on a single Atlantic cod in the English Channel from 2005 to 2006


This data is derived from the deployment of a single data storage tag on an Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the English Channel. The cod was tagged in the Southern North Sea on 25/03/2005 and was recaptured in the Eastern English Channel on the 09/01/2006. The cod migrates down through the English Channel, resides in the Celtic Sea and then returns. The dataset contains 291 days of information. Each day consists of 144 vertical movement rates (in metres), one horizontal movement rate (in kilometres) and one turning angle (in radians, from -pi to pi). Vertical movement rates have been log (natural log) transformed.




Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

See Cefas Data Portal for details – link to dataset below.

Technical information

Update frequency



A description of tag type, fish capture, tag attachment and tag accuracy can be found in Righton et al. (2010). Righton et al. (2010) is published in Marine Ecology Progress Series and is freely available here ``_. The data storage tag was pre-programmed to record depth (m) at 10-minute intervals for the duration of deployment. Vertical movement rates were calculated as the absolute difference between corresponding 10-minute depth measurements summed to the daily level. Horizontal movement rates were calculated in a two-step approach. First, daily geolocations were estimated via a Fokker-Planck-based method that combines a tidal location method and a Bayesian state-space model (see Pedersen et al. 2008 for model details). Second, the straight-line distance between daily geolocations is calculated using the Great Circle equation. Turning angles between successive geolocations were also calculated. Pedersen et al. (2008) is published in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences and is freely available here ``_. Neat et al. (2014) previously used this single Atlantic cod as part of their work into stock structure around the British Isles. The article was published in the Journal of Applied Ecology and is freely available here ``_ . Griffiths et al. (2018) also used a version of this data to learn about the broad-scale movement behaviours of Atlantic cod in the North Sea and English Channel. Griffiths et al. (2018) was published in Ecology and Evolution and is freely available here ``_. .. _``: .. _``: .. _``: .. _``:

Spatial information

Coordinate reference system


Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 48.75 to 50.75
  • Longitude from: -8.5 to 1
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science

Contact publisher

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

29 May 2019

Revision date

31 May 2023

Publication date

29 May 2019


  • From: 25 March 2005
  • To: 09 January 2006


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