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  3. Soil moisture data for four sites from a study of the impact of woodland on water resources (TADPOLE project, Clipstone)

Soil moisture data for four sites from a study of the impact of woodland on water resources (TADPOLE project, Clipstone)


In 1996 concerns were raised, in the Environment Select Committee’s first report on water conservation and supply, that the government’s ambition to double woodland cover in England could significantly reduce water resources, particularly under predicted climate change. In 1997, the Department of Transport and the Regions funded a 2-year project (TADPOLE) involving Loughborough University, Newcastle University and Forest Research, to examine the effect of various forest types on different soil/geological combinations. The study assessed the water use and groundwater recharge of oak, Corsican pine, grass and heather on Triassic sandstone in Clipstone Forest, Nottinghamshire. The project was extended for a further 2.5 years in 1999 to resolve uncertainty over the water use of pine. This involved instrumenting a new pine site in July 2000 and clear felling the original pine site in October 2000. Subsequent monitoring continued to assess the extent of rewetting following tree clearance up to September 2006. See also: Calder, I.R., Reid, I., Nisbet, T.R., Armstrong, A., Green, J.C. and Parkin, G. 2002. Study of the potential impacts on water resources of proposed afforestation. Trees and Drought Project on Lowland England – TaDPoLE. Loughborough University report to the Department for environment, food and rural affairs (Defra).


Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.


Contains Forestry Commission information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Attribution statement

Forest Research must be acknowledged as the source of the data and DT&R as the funders of the research in any subsequent papers/products.

Use constraints

If you use this data you may wish to cite Calder, I.R., Reid, I., Nisbet, T.R., Armstrong, A., Green, J.C. and Parkin, G. 200). Study of the potential impacts on water resources of proposed afforestation. Trees and Drought Project on Lowland England – TaDPoLE. Loughborough University report to the Department for environment, food and rural affairs (Defra).

Technical information

Update frequency



In 1998 plots were selected in Clipstone Forest, representing each of the following land use types: oak, Corsican pine, grassland and heather. At each site 9 Theta probes and two Equitensiometers were installed within a 2-metre deep soil pit to record changes in soil moisture content at 30 minute intervals. Data was downloaded from the data loggers every 2 - 3 weeks. Two soil-specific ThetaProbe calibrations were performed at each site, for the organic-rich top soil and mineral subsoil, to convert the logged readings (mV) into appropriate soil moisture content values (m3 m-3). The soil water content for the top 150 cm of soil was calculated. A second pine plot was selected and instrumented with 9 Theta probes and 6 Equitensiometers in July 2000. The original pine plot was felled in October 2000 and allowed to convert to birch woodland. The data conforms to no recognised data specification and has not been externally evaluated. The format is: Column A: logged date Column B – J: daily mean soil moisture content at various soil depths (m3 m-3) - theta probes Column K – L: daily mean soil hydraulic potential (kPa) - equitensiometers Column M – N: daily mean soil hydraulic potential (mm) - equitensiometers Column O: daily mean soil profile (150 cm depth) soil moisture content (mm) Column P – X: daily mean soil moisture content at various soil depths (mm) Column Y: logged date Column Z: rainfall (mm)

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 53.1 to 53.2
  • Longitude from: -1.12 to -1
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Forestry Commission

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

01 September 2006

Revision date

03 December 2015

Publication date



  • From: 08 May 1999
  • To: 17 September 2006


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