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  3. SSSI Impact Risk Zones (England)

SSSI Impact Risk Zones (England)


The Impact Risk Zones for Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI IRZs) are for local planning authorities (LPAs) to determine if a proposed development is likely to affect a terrestrial SSSI and when to consult Natural England.

The SSSI IRZs are a Geographical Information System (GIS) tool developed by Natural England to make rapid initial assessment of the potential risks posed by development proposals to SSSIs and those Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Special Protection Areas (SPAs) or Ramsar sites that they underpin. They define zones around each site which reflect the sensitivities of the features for which the site is notified and indicate the types of development proposal which could potentially have adverse impacts and need further consideration. In certain locations they also include Natural England's statutory advice for certain development types.

LPAs can use the SSSI IRZs to consider if a proposed development is likely to affect a terrestrial SSSI and those SACs, SPAs or Ramsar sites that they underpin and when to consult Natural England to seek advice. Where the SSSI IRZs include Natural England's statutory advice or indicate a risk is unlikely, LPAs can use the SSSI IRZs to instantly generate a formal consultation response.


Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

© Natural England [Year], reproduced with the permission of Natural England, © Crown Copyright and database right [Year]. Ordnance Survey licence number 100022021.

Technical information

Update frequency



Buffers generated around the SSSI boundaries derived from OS mastermap.

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.76 to 55.82
  • Longitude from: -7.22 to 2.34
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Natural England

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

01 April 2014

Revision date

15 January 2025

Publication date

01 May 2014


  • From: 01 April 2014
  • To: 31 December 2099


Data and Supporting Information
Data services and download by area of interestLinkAction
Download data by area of interestN/AOpen link
ESRI ShapefileOpen link
ArcGIS Open Dataset record pageOpen link
SSSI Impact Risk Zones (England) WMSOpen link
SSSI Impact Risk Zones (England) WFSCopy linkN/A
SSSI Impact Risk Zones (England) OGC Feature Service APICopy linkOpen link
Full downloads and supporting documentationFormatAction
Open Government Licence.urlURLDownload
SSSI IRZ User Guidance v5.3 21May24.pdfPDFDownload
SSSI IRZs Summary External Download Attribute Metadata.pdfPDFDownload
SSSI IRZs Summary External Download Spatial Metadata.pdfPDFDownload