Ecology & Fish Documents

This page contains links that will take you through to the documentation that accompanies these datasets. Please take the time to download them and read through the information relating to the datasets you are using. There are detailed explanations of the terms, data fields and some of the caveats and issues you need to be aware of when using these datasets.


NFPD: Freshwater fish surveys documentation

NFPD: Transitional and Coastal water fish surveys documentation

Biosys: Freshwater river macroinvertebrate surveys documentation

Biosys: Freshwater river macrophyte surveys documentation

Biosys: Freshwater river diatom surveys documentation

Biosys: Marine benthic invertebrate surveys documentation

Biosys: Marine phytoplankton surveys documentation

The pages above will take you through to the pages on which contain summary information and will display a further link to download the documentation. Once you have clicked on the link scroll down to the 'Full downloads and supporting documentation' section as shown in the example screenshot below:

A screenshot showing a partial webpage. It displays a heading of 'Dataset links' and underneath the heading there are three links to further information about the dataset. To the right of each link is an icon and the text 'copy link to clipboard'


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