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  • Summary Seagrass Potential v3 Summary: A majority of the seagrass potential areas are derived from wave and current energy, elevation and salinity criteria. Some 'Additional' areas have been...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA055. Flood Alert Areas are geographical areas where it is possible for flooding of low-lying land and roads to occur from rivers, sea and in some...

  • Drinking Water Groundwater Safeguard Zones (SgZs) are established around public water supplies where additional pollution control measures are needed. The Water Framework Directive requires that...

  • The Environment Agency collects and analyses water samples each year from May to September, to ensure that designated bathing water sites on the coast and inland are safe and clean for swimming and...

  • The Historic Flood Map is a GIS layer showing the maximum extent of individual Recorded Flood Outlines from river, the sea and groundwater springs that meet a set criteria. It shows areas of land...

  • Recorded Flood Outlines is a GIS layer which shows all our records of historic flooding from rivers, the sea, groundwater and surface water. Each individual Recorded Flood Outline contains a...

  • Environmental Pollution Incident data filtered for Categories 1 and 2. Details of environmental incidents within the remit of the Environment Agency are held on the National Incident Recording...

  • Dataset from the Navigation Licensing System of boats registered by year on waterways where we are the Navigation Authority - non-tidal Thames, Anglian Waterways and non-tidal Medway. Includes...

  • Details of current or terminated Climate Change Agreements (CCA) for the UK under the Climate Change Agreements (Administration Facilities) Regulations 2012. The Climate Change Agreement scheme has...

  • The Environment Agency National LIDAR Programme provides accurate elevation data at 1m spatial resolution for all of England.

    In 2017 we divided the country into 302 survey blocks covering all of...

  • The Climate Change Agreements (Administration) Regulations 2012 require the administrator to publish a report setting out the energy efficiency improvements and emissions reductions achieved by...

  • Combined Physical, LIFE & Fish based scores on the combination matrices for rivers and lakes. The final Abstraction Sensitivity Bands (ABSs) define the percentages of natural flow that can be taken...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA434. "River Habitat Survey (RHS) is the Environment Agency standard for collecting data on the physical character and quality of river habitats...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA249-1 Sensitive Areas – Eutrophic Rivers. This dataset consists of 3 shapefiles showing the extent of Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA249-2 Sensitive Areas – Eutrophic Lakes. This dataset consists of 3 shapefiles showing the extent of Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive...

  • Saltmarsh Change Summary:

    The Saltmarsh Change layer shows the recent change in saltmarsh extent across England, since a baseline inventory was completed in 2006 to 2009.


  • Extreme Water Level nodes show the point locations of modelled data projections for extreme water levels (heights) that could occur in the estuary in the future. Extreme water levels take into...

  • Drinking Water Safeguard Zones (Surface Water) are catchment areas that influence the water quality for their respective Drinking Water Protected Area (Surface Water). They are identified where the...

  • Drinking Water Protected Areas (Surface Water) are defined by the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 (or WFD Regulations) as locations where raw water...

  • This is a national picture of flow compliance with the environmental flow indicator shown for Water Framework Directive Cycle 2 river water bodies. The Environment Flow Indicator (EFI) is used to...

Showing 21 - 40 of 196