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  • Summary Seagrass Potential v3 Summary: A majority of the seagrass potential areas are derived from wave and current energy, elevation and salinity criteria. Some 'Additional' areas have been...

  • A waste management licence is a legal document issued under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. A licence authorises the treatment keeping or disposal of waste in or on the land. Once we have...

  • These data provide details of all permit details as required under the Environmental Permit Regulation. Information is held for all permit holders and covers all substances that are controlled....

  • Source Protection Zones [Merged] have been created as public facing outlines where common boundaries and overlaps (based on zone number) have been removed. Source Protection Zones (SPZs) are...

  • The Environment Agency undertakes freshwater and marine biological monitoring in England.

    This dataset contains site, sample, metric and taxa information from freshwater river macroinvertebrate...

  • The Environment Agency undertakes freshwater and marine biological monitoring in England.

    This dataset contains site, sample, metric and taxa information from freshwater river macrophyte (plant)...

  • The Environment Agency undertakes freshwater and marine biological monitoring in England.

    This dataset contains site, sample, metric and taxa information from freshwater river diatom (algae)...

  • An asset used to measure water level and flow

    Asset Sub-Types include: Active Monitoring Instrument, Passive Monitoring Instrument

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • Drinking Water Groundwater Safeguard Zones (SgZs) are established around public water supplies where additional pollution control measures are needed. The Water Framework Directive requires that...

  • The Environment Agency collects and analyses water samples each year from May to September, to ensure that designated bathing water sites on the coast and inland are safe and clean for swimming and...

  • The Environment Agency undertakes fisheries monitoring work on rivers, lakes and transitional and coastal waters (TraC).

    This dataset contains site and survey information, the numbers and species...

  • The Environment Agency undertakes fisheries monitoring work on rivers, lakes and transitional and coastal (TraC) waters.

    This dataset contains site and survey information, the numbers and species...

  • This Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) dataset relates to the performance of storm overflows in England. Data are provided by Water and Sewerage Companies (WaSCs) to the Environment Agency each year...

  • Oblique aerial photography is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a professional grade DSLR camera to capture images out the side of our aircraft. Images are geo-referenced using our GPS...

  • The estimated flood extent is an un-validated raw product often processed rapidly to share with category one partners during an incident. You must refer to the limitations of the data when using...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA434. "River Habitat Survey (RHS) is the Environment Agency standard for collecting data on the physical character and quality of river habitats...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA249-1 Sensitive Areas – Eutrophic Rivers. This dataset consists of 3 shapefiles showing the extent of Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA249-2 Sensitive Areas – Eutrophic Lakes. This dataset consists of 3 shapefiles showing the extent of Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive...

  • Saltmarsh Change Summary:

    The Saltmarsh Change layer shows the recent change in saltmarsh extent across England, since a baseline inventory was completed in 2006 to 2009.


  • Drinking Water Safeguard Zones (Surface Water) are catchment areas that influence the water quality for their respective Drinking Water Protected Area (Surface Water). They are identified where the...

Showing 21 - 40 of 177