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  • Three resources are available on this record for 2022:

    • an excel data extract of wastes received at permitted sites
    • an excel data extract of waste removed from permitted sites
    • summary tables...
  • Three resources are available on this record for 2020:

    • an excel data extract of wastes received at permitted sites
    • and excel data extract of waste removed from permitted sites
    • summary tables...
  • Three resources are available on this record for 2021:

    • an excel data extract of wastes received at permitted sites
    • an excel data extract of waste removed from permitted sites
    • summary tables...
  • This record holds data from 2015 to 2022. Previous years data is available on request.

    We use compliance ratings to help assess the risks from a regulated facility.

    An operator’s compliance...

  • Shoreline Management Plan Explorer (SMP Explorer) is an online digital and map based system to hold the details of shoreline management plans around the coast of England. SMP-Explorer was developed...

  • The Flood Plan Explorer is an online map-based system designed to hold measures associated with the Flood Risk Management Plans. The measures can contain both text and spatial data. Measures can be...

  • As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and being open and transparent, we publish the Fund’s holdings.

    We update the data every quarter. For operational reasons, we publish this at...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA329. International Waste Shipments Records of International shipments permitted under the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007....

  • Records of International shipments permitted under the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007. Shipments into or out of the UK qualify as International Waste Shipments. They are...

  • An asset that is used to provide shelter for equipment, storage or personnel. Asset Sub Type: Pump House, Office, Workshop, Gauge House, Garage, Residential, Boat Shed

    For more information visit...

  • Assets that are used to aid navigation in the marine and fluvial environment.

    Asset Sub-Types include: Beacon; Buoy; Signal; Signage; Dolphin

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • An asset that conveys water

    Asset Sub-Types include: Complex Culvert, Open Channel, Simple Culvert

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • Assets used to protect the coast from erosion or provide access.

    Asset Sub-Types include: Breakwater, Groyne, Ramp, Slipway, Steps

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • An asset that allows access across a channel. Asset Sub Types include: Bridge; Utility Services

    For more information visit the Data Requirements Library:...

  • An asset used to measure water level and flow

    Asset Sub-Types include: Active Monitoring Instrument, Passive Monitoring Instrument

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • An area of land that is involved in water management.

    Asset Sub-Types include: Mudflats, Salt Marsh, Water Storage Area

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • An asset used to control the flow of water

    Asset Sub-Types include: Control Gate, Draw Off Tower, Fish Pass, Hydrobrake, In Channel Stoplogs, Inspection Chamber, Jetty, Outfall, Screen, Spillway,...

  • The Historic Flood Map is a GIS layer showing the maximum extent of individual Recorded Flood Outlines from river, the sea and groundwater springs that meet a set criteria. It shows areas of land...

  • Recorded Flood Outlines is a GIS layer which shows all our records of historic flooding from rivers, the sea, groundwater and surface water. Each individual Recorded Flood Outline contains a...

  • Environmental Pollution Incident data filtered for Categories 1 and 2. Details of environmental incidents within the remit of the Environment Agency are held on the National Incident Recording...

Showing 1 - 20 of 63