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Rossall Point to Hodbarrow Point 11C

The Rossall Point to Hodbarrow Point Subsection is split into 80 areas. Their boundaries have been set based on analysis of coastal processes and the character of the shoreline. Select an area to find out more information about it.

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General actions for this subsection

There are no actions generic to the whole of this subsection. For actions relating to specific locations, select an area on the map above or use the postcode/location search and click on the Action Plan tab.

All actions are subject to funding and approval, often by other parties than the Lead Organisation shown.

Download SMP documents

The information on this website represents the current SMP management approaches adopted by the local authorities within its area, and current actions needed to deliver them. These management approaches have been approved by the Environment Agency under its Strategic Overview for coastal flood and erosion risk management and are considered to be local policy.

The documents below provide the full SMP adopted locally and approved by the Environment Agency at the time of publication. Some of the information has changed in response to new government policy, new evidence or new work identified.

Data on this page

Main report


Planning leaflets

About this subsection

This subsection extends from Rossall Point at Fleetwood around Morecambe Bay to Hodbarrow Point and Haverigg. It includes Walney Island and the Wyre, Lune, Kent, Leven and Duddon estuaries, as well as the Rivers Cocker and Keer.

All of these form important inputs to the larger Morecambe Bay coastal system. The Bay is characterised by extensive sandflats, which become exposed at low tide. The shorelines of the Bay have large areas of saltmarsh in more sheltered areas fronting rocky outcrops, low cliffs and low-lying land, except for the Duddon. Walney is an important example of a barrier island that provides protection to the mainland including Barrow, the docks and shipyard

The main bays and estuaries in this subsection have a range of legal designations that protect their internationally important wildlife, including Sites of Special Scientific Interest, a Special Area of Conversation, Special Protection Areas and RAMSAR sites that are designated for conserving wetlands of international importance. The Wyre and Lune estuaries form a Marine Conservation Zone. There are two National Nature Reserves in the Walney area, and the Arnside and Silverdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty runs to the shoreline in the northern part of Morecambe Bay.