for Environment
Food & Rural Affairs
Version: 0.6
Last Modified: 07/05/2017
Previous Version: api-reference-v0.1
This Version: api-reference-v0.6
This document details a web API for access to the live publication of Bathing Water information published by the Environment Agency for bathing waters in England that are monitored in order to meet UK reporting obligations under the EU Bathing Water Directive.
Bathing waters are places, designated by legislation, where there is a statutory requirement to monitor and report on the quality of bathing waters during the bathing-water season. The bathing water season runs from early May through to the end of September each year. During the season, weekly samples are collected from about 400 sampling points associated with bathing-waters in England. The samples are assessed in a lab. The weekly assessment results are both published in their own right and are used to produce an annual compliance assessment of how well each bathing-water complies with the requirements of the Revised EU Bathing Water Directive.
This document consoldidates API documentation previously available in two separate documents, Bathing Water Quality API Reference and Bathing Water Profile Reference
From the start of 2015 season reporting of bathing water quality for Welsh bathing waters has transitioned to a new site administered by Natural Resource Wales. Bathing water quality and profile information covering the whole of England and Wales prior to 2015 remain available here.
The data model for bathing water profiles, in-season and annual compliance assessments have been extended due to the completion of the transition to the Revised Bathing Water Directive (rBWD)
See detailed changelog at the end of this document for the most recent changes.
The publication of bathing-water-quality information as linked data requires the creation or re-use of RDFS or OWL vocabularies both for quality assessment data and for supporting reference information about bathing-waters, their zones of influence and sampling-points.
Vocabulary, Reference and Assessment Information
The diagram above illustrates the primary vocabularies and datasets components that comprise this linked data bathing water quality publication and their top level URI. Strictly, only the observation datasets contain bathing-water-quality information; the other components act as ‘infrastructure’ to enable its expression.
The diagram below summarises the vocabulary elements that are introduced in the following sections.
The vocabulary extract below (in turtle) together with the diagram above illustrates the use of the cube vocabulary for in-season bathing-water sample assessments.
############################################################### # # Bathing water quality in-season sample assessment DSD. # ############################################################### :sampleDsd a qb:DataStructureDefinition ; rdfs:comment "A DSD for reporting Bathing Water Quality in-season samples."@en ; rdfs:label "sampleAssessmentDsd"@en; rdfs:isDefinedBy bwq-ttl: ;
qb:component [qb:dimension :bathingWater ; qb:order 1 ], [qb:dimension :samplingPoint ; qb:order 2 ], [qb:dimension :sampleWeek ; qb:order 3 ], [qb:dimension :sampleYear ; qb:order 4 ],
[qb:measure :totalColiformCount], [qb:attribute :totalColiformQualifier], [qb:measure :faecalColiformCount], [qb:attribute :faecalColiformQualifier], [qb:measure :faecalStreptococciCount], [qb:attribute :faecalStreptococciQualifier], [qb:measure :entrovirusCount], [qb:attribute :entrovirusQualifier], #################################################### ## New counts/qualifiers for RBWD #################################################### [qb:measure :intestinalEnterococciCount], [qb:attribute :intestinalEnterococciQualifier], [qb:measure :escherichiaColiCount], [qb:attribute :escherichiaColiQualifier], ####################################################
[qb:measure :salmonellaPresent], [qb:measure :sampleClassification],
[qb:attribute :sampleDateTime], [qb:attribute :abnormalWeatherException], [qb:attribute :recordStatus], [qb:attribute :recordDate], #################################################### # Additional Attributes for rBWD discounting 26/11/2014 #################################################### [qb:attribute :discountable], [qb:attribute :discounted];
qb:sliceKey :bySamplingPointKey, :byWeekKey, :byYearKey, :bySamplingPointYearKey; .
Likewise the following fragment illustrates the cube data structure for annual compliance assessments
# Annual bathing water compliance DSD.
a qb:DataStructureDefinition;
rdfs:comment "A DSD for Bathing Water Quality Annual Compliance assessment reporting."@en;
rdfs:label "complianceDsd"@en;
rdfs:isDefinedBy bwq-ttl: ;
qb:component [qb:dimension :bathingWater; qb:order 1 ],
[qb:dimension :samplingPoint; qb:order 2 ],
[qb:dimension :sampleYear; qb:order 3 ],
[qb:measure :complianceClassification],
[qb:attribute :inYearDetail],
# New attributes added for change to rBWD
# to indicate assessment regime and projected/actual nature or assessment
# where absent default values are :cBWD and :actual-assessment respectively
[qb:attribute :assessmentRegime],
[qb:attribute :assessmentQualifier],
[qb:attribute :intestinalEnterococciStats],
[qb:attribute :escherichiaColiStats ],
[qb:attribute :firstSampleDate ],
[qb:attribute :finalSampleDate ],
[qb:attribute :latestStepChange ];
qb:sliceKey :complianceByYearKey,
The diagram below shows the overall structure of the profile linked data. The properties of profiles, standard language collections and features are described in this document.
Bathing water profiles and information about features may change. For example, corrections may be made to spellings or the location of a feature may be corrected. In this data model, bathing water profiles and features are versioned, that is, whenever a property of one of those resources is changed, then a new version of the resource is created. Different versions of the ‘same’ bathing water profile or feature have very similar URIs, differing only in their version component. The structure of this versioning is illustrated in the diagram below.
The enduring resource is, in a sense, the thing that there are different versions of, say a bathing water profile or a feature. Each enduring resource is linked to each of its versions by a dcterms:hasVersion
property. Each version is in turn linked back to its enduring resource by a dcterms:isVersionOf
Each version has a version:versionString
property whose value is a label for the version. Conventionally this version string will also appear in the versioned resource’s URI.
Each version also has a versionInterval property which indicates the time interval for which the version is current. The time interval must have a hasBeginning# property which specifies the instant at which the versioned resource became current. If the version is no longer current, is must have a hasEnd property specifying the instant at which the versioned resource became no longer current. The interval may be thought of as closed at the beginning and open at the end, so that the end of one interval and the beginning of the next may share the same instant. In this case, the boundary instant is in the second interval but not in the first. Instants are described by inXSDDateTime properties whose values are dateTime typed literals.
The major reference entities to which bathing-water-quality information needs to refer are the bathing-waters themselves and their sampling points. In addition we provide access to a zone-of-influence which indicates a region associated with a bathing-water where rain-fall may have a significant effect on water quality.
The following URI patterns are used to designate instances of the given class, but bear in mind that whilst they may provide useful ’hint’s URI are in-general considered to be opaque (see cooluris).
Class | URI Pattern | Example URI |
BathingWater |{eubwid} | |
SamplingPoint |{samplePointId} | |
ZoneOfInfluence |{eubwid}:{version} | |
New as of bwq-api v0.2 | ||
Envelope |{eubwid}:{version} | |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
eubwidNotation | The EU bathing-water id of a bathing-water | |
samplingPoint | A property for associating something, in this case a bathing-water, with a bathing-water sampling point. | |
zoneOfInfluence | A property for associating something, in this case a bathing-water, with a zone of influence spatial object | |
uriSet | The URI Set that a thing, in this case a bathing-water, is a member of. | |
district | A reusable property used here to associate a bathing-water with its local authority district. | |
sameAs | A property for indicating things (bathing-waters in this case) that are identical. e.g.that multiple URI that refer to the same bathing water e.g.: and | |
label | One or more names, in this case for a bathing-water. | |
name | A property for indicating the preferred name of a thing. At most one preferred name may be given per language. English and Welsh language variants are relevant in the case of this dataset. | |
latestSampleAssessment | Associates a bathing-water with its most recent in-season sample assessment | |
latestComplianceAssessment | Associates a bathing-water with its most recent annual compliance assessment | |
New as of bwq-api v0.2 | ||
waterQualityImpactedByHeavyRain | A boolean valued indicator of whether (true) or not (false) bathing water quality at the bathing-water is adversely affected by heavy rainfall within the corresponding zone of influence. | |
(code) type | More detailed typing of bathing-waters using additional sub-classes of BathingWater (CoastalBathingWater, TransitionalBathingWater, LakeBathingWater or InlandBathingWater). | |
country | A reference to the country (eg. England, Wales or Scotland) associated with the bathing-water. | |
county | A reference to the County (or Unitary Authority) associated with a bathing-water | |
envelope | A reference to an Envelope that conveys map bounds for use in presenting a map of the locale of a bathing-water. | |
regionalOrganization | A reference to the regional organisation responsible for monitoring the water quality at a bathing-water. Typically this will refer to an Environment Agency regional office, however this is likely to vary across the UK. | |
(code) sedimentTypesPresent | A multi-valued property that conveys an indication of the main sediment types that are to be found at a bathing-water (marsh, mud, rock, sand, shingle or other). | |
yearDesignated | A reference to the CalendarYear in which a bathing-water was designated as such. | |
yearDedesignated | A reference to the CalendarYear in which a bathing-water was de-designated. | |
New as of bwq-api v0.4 | ||
latestRiskPrediction | A reference to the most recently available short-term pollution risk prediction associated with a bathing-water . | |
New as of bwq-api v0.5 | ||
latestStepChange | A reference to the most recent step-change associated with a bathing-water . | |
New as of bw-api v0.6 | ||
latestOpenIncident | A reference to the most recent open pollution-incident record associated with a bathing-water | |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
easting | The OSGB easting. | |
northing | The OSGB northing. | |
lat | The WGS84 latitude. | |
long | The WGS84 longitude. | |
bathingWater | A property for associating something, in this case a sampling-point, with a bathing-water. | |
samplePointNotation | The Environment Agency sampling point code of a sampling point | |
uriSet | The URI Set that a thing, in this case a sampling-point, is a member of. | |
district | A reusable property used here to associate a sampling-point with its local authority district. | |
label | One or more names, in this case for a sampling-point. | |
name | A property for indicating the preferred name of a thing. At most one preferred name may be given per language. English and Welsh language variants are relevant in the case of this dataset. | |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
bathingWater | A property for associating something, in this case a zone-of-influence, with a bathing-water. | |
samplingPoint | A property for associating something, in this case a zone-of-influence, with a bathing-water sampling point. | |
zoiNotation | A zone-of-influence identifier derived from the EU bathing-water id of the corresponding bathing-water. | |
uriSet | The URI Set that a thing, in this case a zone-of-influence, is a member of. | |
extent | A reusable property for associating something, a zone-of-influence with its AbstractGeometry. | |
extent.asGML | A property associated with an a GML literal with an AbstractGeometry. | |
label | One or more names, in this case for a zone-of-influence. | |
name | A property for indicating the preferred name of a thing. At most one preferred name may be given per language. English and Welsh language variants are relevant in the case of this dataset. | |
The bounding box for the map extent showing the locale of a bathing water is expressed as an Envelope illustrated in the diagram below.
Geometry properties Online-version
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
dimensions | The number of coordinate dimensions used in expressing a Geometry. | |
(code) srs | The spatial reference system used in teh expression of a Geometry. For example the UK Ordnace Survey National Grid (OSGB-36) is referenced as | |
Point properties Online-version
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
x-coord | x-coordinate of a Point position in the associated spatial reference system. For OSGB-36 this corresponds to an easting | |
y-coord | y-coordinate of a Point position in the associated spatial reference system. For OSGB-36 this corresponds to a northing | |
z-coord | z-coordinate of a Point position in the associated spatial reference system. | |
Envelope properties Online-version
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
lowerCorner | The corner of an Envelope where all the coordinates are at their minimum value. | |
upperCorner | The corner of an Envelope where all the coordinates are at their maximum value. | |
asGML | A property associated with an a GML literal with an AbstractGeometry | |
Class | URI Pattern | Example URI |
SampleAssessment |{samplePointId}/date/{sampleDate}/time/{sampleTime}/recordDate/{recordDate} | |
ComplianceAssessment |{samplePointId}/year/{year} | |
In addition to the main entities above, there are a number of dataset slices which collect in-season and annual compliance assessments into convenient groupings.
Class | URI Pattern | Example URI |
In-Season LatestSampleSlice | | |
In-Season ByYearSlice |{year} | |
In-Season BySamplingPointSlice |{samplePointId} | |
In-Season BySamplingPointYearSlice |{samplePointId}/year/{year} | |
In-Season ByWeekSlice |{yearWeek} | |
Annual ComplianceBySamplingPointSlice |{samplePointId} | |
Annual ComplianceByYearSlice |{year} | |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
abnormalWeatherException | Boolean valued indication of whether an exception waiver applies (true) or not (false) to a sample-assessment | |
bwq_bathingWater | Link to the bathing-water from which the sample was taken. | |
bwq_samplingPoint | Link to the sampling-point from which the sample was taken. | |
sampleDateTime | The date and time at which the same sample was taken. | |
sampleWeek | The week for which the sample is representative. | |
sampleYear | The year for which the sample is representative. | |
recordDate | The date of record for the assessment. The assessment may have a recordStatus which may be new for a first assessment of a sample, replacement for a replacement assessment of the same sample, or withdrawal which withdraws all earlier assessments of the same water sample. | |
recordStatus | The status of sample assessment record, which may be new for a first assessment of a sample, replacement for a replacement assessment of the same sample, or withdrawal which withdraws all earlier assessments of the same water sample. | |
entrovirusCount | The number of colonies of entro virus grown per 100ml water sample. | |
entrovirusQualifier | moreThan, lessThan or actual count qualifier for entrovirusCount. | |
faecalColiformCount | The number of colonies of faecal coliform grown per 100ml water sample. | |
faecalColiformCountQualifier | moreThan, lessThan or actual count qualifier for faecalColiformCount. | |
faecalStreptococciCount | The number of colonies of faecal streptococci grown per 100ml water sample. | |
faecalStreptococciCountQualifier | moreThan, lessThan or actual count qualifier for faecalStreptococciCount. | |
salmonellaPresent | Salmonella present indicator for the sample assessement which may be: present, not-present or not-assessed . | |
totalColiformCount | The total number of colonies of coliform grown per 100ml water sample. | |
totalColiformQualifier | moreThan, lessThan or actual count qualifier for totalColiformCount. | |
sampleClassification | In season bathing water sample assessment classification: Pre-2012 classifications C, G(Higher) formerly G, I(Minimum) formerly I, F(Fail) formerly F, N 2012-2014 rBWD transitional classifications Note that each group of classifications use different URI. Post 2014 rBWD classifications The transition to monitoring and reporting under the Revised Bathing Water Directive (rBWD) completed at the end of the 2014 bathing-water season. For the 2015 and subsequent bathing water season reporting and monitoring will according to the requirements of the revised bathing-water directive. As a consequence of this individual in-seasons sample assessments are NOT classified. There are only annual compliance assessments have classifications that represent the aggregation of the results from upto 4 years of in-season sampling. | |
created | The date or dateTime when the RDF record of the sample assessment was created. | |
source | Link source file and record for the sample assessment | |
dataSet | Link to the Cube DataSet that contains the sample-assessment | |
New as of bwq-api v0.2 | ||
intestinalEnterococciCount | The number of colonies of intenstinal enterococci grown per 100ml water sample | |
intestinalEnterococciQualifier | moreThan, lessThan or actual count qualifier for intestinalEnterococciCount. | |
escherichiaColiCount | The number of colonies of escherichia coli grown per 100ml water sample | |
escherichiaColiQualifier | moreThan, lessThan or actual count qualifier for escherichiaColiCount. | |
New as of bwq-api v0.3 | ||
followingSuspension | A link to an immediately following suspension-of-monitoring record in the same assessment season, if any. | |
priorSuspension | A link to an immediately previous suspension-of-monitoring record in the same assessment season, if any. | |
New as of bwq-api v0.5 | ||
discountable | A boolean valued flag that indicates whether the sample assessment meets criteria that allow it to be discounted from annual compliance assessments. The absence of a value for this flag indicates that it the sample assessment may yet be judged to be discountable. However, once set as discountable true , or non-discountable, false the value of the flag is not expected to be changed. | |
discounted | A boolean value which if set indicates that a discountable sample assessment has in fact been discounted (true ) from use in annual compliance results or not (false ). It expected that the decision that sets this flag is made at the end of corresponding bathing-water season for all discountable sample assessments during that season. Once the discounted flag has been set, whether true or false it retains that setting with respect to all annual compliance assessments to which it might contribute over the following 4 years. | |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
bwq_bathingWater | Link to the bathing-water for which the assessment is made. | |
bwq_samplingPoint | Link to the sampling-point from which the samples were taken. | |
sampleYear | The calendar year of the assessment. | |
inYearDetail | Link to the in-season BySamplingPointYearSlice from which the compliance assessment was made. Under the rBWD regime inYearDetail may refer to up-to 4 such slices, for the current and previous 3 years. Compliance assessments are computed from the undiscounted , unwithdrawn , unreplaced in-season sample assessments associated with each such slice that were made between the firstSampleDate and finalSampleDate associated with the compliance assessment . | |
dataSet | Link to the Cube DataSet that contains the compliance-assessment | |
complianceClassification | Annual bathing water quality compliance assessment classification: Pre-2012 classifications C, G(Higher) formerly G, I(Minimum) formerly I, F(Fail) formerly F, N 2012-2014 rBWD transitional classifications Note that each group of classifications use different URI. Post 2014 rBWD classifications Excellent, Good, Sufficient, Poor. Insufficiently Sampled, New, and Closed Under the Revised Bathing Water Directive, annual compliance classifications are aggregated over as many as 4 years of in-season sampling. Consequently both a new data-cube and new compliance codes are defined for the rBWD Monitoring regime. | |
New as of bwq-api v0.5 | ||
assessmentRegime | The assessment regime associated an annual compliance assessment. If no value is given then the default is the earlier ’current Bathing Water Directive` (cBWD) from 1976. Regime values are defined for rBWD and cBWD | |
assessmentQualifier | A qualifier that indicates whether a given annual compliance assessment is projected or actual. Around the transition to a new monitoring and reporting regime, such as the completion of the rBWD transition in 2015, projected compliance assessment may be prepared using data gather during the transition period where the reported results during that period were made under the previous regime (cBWD in this case). These projected assessments provide for continuity with current and future actual compliance assessments made under the new regime. | |
intestinalEnterococciStats | References summary statistics associated with the intestinal enterococci count determinand over the sampling interval of the assessment. | |
escherichiaColiStats | References summary statistics associated with the escherichia coli (ecoli) count determinand over the sampling interval of the assessment. | |
firstSampleDate | The date on which the first in-season assessment relevant to the given compliance assessment was made. | |
finalSampleDate | The date on which the last in-season assessment relevant to the given compliance assessment was made. | |
latestStepChange | A reference to the most recent step-change associated with a bathing-water that affect the given sample assessment. | |
Dataset slices have key properties whose value is the same for all observations (SampleAssessments or ComplianceAssessments) associated with the slice by the qb:observation (shortname observation) property. The key properties for each type of slice are listed by short name in the table below.
Type of Slice | Slice Key Property Short Names |
LatestSampleSlice | none |
BySamplingPointSlice | bwq_samplingPoint, bwq_bathingWater |
ByYearSlice | sampleYear |
ByWeekSlice | sampleWeek |
BySamplingPointYearSlice | bwq_samplingPoint, bwq_bathingWater, sampleYear |
ComplianceBySamplingPointSlice | bwq_samplingPoint, bwq_bathingWater |
ComplianceByYearSlice | sampleYear |
Added for bwq-api v0.5
The data model around Annual Compliance Assessments has been expanded to include several new entities:
These are illustrated in the following diagram.
rBWD extended Compliance Assessment Data Model
Class | URI Pattern | Example URI |
SummaryStatistics |[-{regime}]/point/{bwspid}/year/{complianceYear}/{measureStats} | |
StepChanges |{bwspid}/date/{changeDate} | |
Threshold LowerThreshold UpperThreshold |{complianceCode}/threshold/measure/{measureProperty}/water/{bathingWaterType} | |
Field | Description |
{regime} | An optional token embedded within a URI that indicates monitoring and reporting regime associated with a compliance assessment and related entities, such as summary statistics. |
{bwspid} | A bathing water sampling point code embedded within a URI |
{complianceYear} | The reporting year for a compliance assessment or related artifact. |
{measureStats} | A field that discriminates between the summary statistics for different determinands. Currently values of escherichiaColiStats or intestinalEnterococciStats are operational. |
{changeDate} | A reference date when a step-change is deemed to have occurred. The value is intend solely as a discriminator between multiple step-changes at the same bathing water. |
{complianceCode} | The compliance code associated with a Threshold. |
{measureProperty | The measure property associated with a threshold – intended as a discriminator between multiple thesholds associated with the same complianceCode : currently intestinal-enterococci or escherichia-coli |
{bathingWaterType} | The type of Bathing Water associated with a Threshold: currently inland , coastal , transitional or lake |
Added for bwq-api v0.5
Summary statistics provides information about the distribution of colony count values reported by in-season sample assessments used in making a compliance assessemnt.
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
measure | A reference to the measure property obeing summarised by the statistics | |
meanValue | The mean value of the property value being summarised | |
meanLog10Value | The mean of the Log10 of the property value being summarised. | |
minValue | The munimum value of the property being summarised | |
maxValue | The maximum value of the property being summarised | |
percentile90 | The value of the summarised property at the 90th percentile. | |
percentile95 | The value of the summarised property at the 95th percentile | |
sampleCount | The number of sample assessments contributing to the compliance assessment. | |
stdDeviation | The standard deviation of the summarised property value | |
stdDeviationLog10 | The standard deviation of Log10 of the summarised property value | |
complianceAssessment | A reference to the annual compliance assessment to which the statistics pertain | |
Added for bwq-api v0.5
Step Changes record significant changes that have been made in the locale of a bathing-water, generally with the intent of improving bathing-water quality.
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
bathingWater | A reference to the bathing water affected by the change. | |
samplingPoint | A reference to the sampling point at the bathing water affected by the change | |
dateOfChange | The date from which the StepChange is regarded as being effective from the point-of-view of affecting the annual compliance assessment for a bathing water. Following a StepChange, the in-season sample assessments gatherer prior to the Step Change may no longer contribute to the annual compliance assessment. | |
comment | A narrative comment explaining the change that has been made. | |
Added for bwq-api v0.5
Online version – Threshold
Online version – UpperThreshold
Online version – LowerThreshold
Thresholds provide for the expression of explicit limits used in annually assessing the compliance of a collection of bathing-water samples taken at a bathing water.
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
assessmentRegime | A reference to the corresponding compliance assessment regime, e.g. rBWD | |
classification | The compliance classification for which this Threshold is a limit. | |
limit | The limit associated with a Threshold. In the case of an UpperThreshold limit conveys the maximum value that the measure permitted for the given classification . Similarly, in the case of a LowerThreshold limit conveys the minimum value the measure permitted in order for the given classification to apply. | |
measure | A reference to the ComplianceAssessment measure property to which this Threshold applies. | |
percentile | Conveys the percentile, usually 90 or 95, to which the limit of the Threshold applies. | |
waterType | The specific type of bathing water to which the Threshold applies. A given Compliance classification may have multiple UpperThresholds each for a different type of bathing water. | |
Add for bwq-api v0.3
Under the revised Bathing Water directive, during an abnormal situation normal monitoring of a bathing water may be suspended. As of v0.3 of this API such suspension of monitoring records are accessible and relate to the 2012 bathing water season.
Monitoring may be suspended for a variety of abnormal situations, not just abnormal weather conditions.
Class | URI Pattern | Example URI |
SuspensionOfMonitoring |{bwspid}/date/{date}/time/{time}/recordDateTime/{recordDateTime} | |
For the purposes of creating unique URI for SuspensionOfMonitoring records:
embeds a 5 digit bathing water sampling point code;date
embeds the date on which a suspension started in YYYYMMdd
embeds the time of day (local) at which the suspension started in HHmmss
format; andrecordDateTime
embeds the date and time that the record was itself created or modified in YYYYMMddHHmmss
format.Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
description | A description of the cause of the suspension-of-monitoring | |
comment | An additional comment giving narrative details about the suspension-of-monitoring | |
som_notation notation |
A coded value which common for all suspension-of-monitoring records related to a particular suspension. | |
bathingWater | A property for associating something, in this case a suspension-of-monitoring record, with a bathing-water. | |
samplingPoint | A property for associating something, in this case a suspension-of-monitoring record, with a bathing-water sampling point. | |
sampleYear | The assessment year of a “suspension-of-monitoring”. | |
regionalOrganization | The regional organisation responsible for monitoring the water quality at a bathing-water associated with a suspension-of-monitoring record. Typically this will refer to an Environment Agency regional office, however this is likely to vary across the UK. | |
startOfSuspension | The date and time (xsd:dateTime ) at which the corresponding suspension-of-monitoring started. | |
expectedEndOfSuspension | The date (xsd:date ) on which the corresponding “suspension-of-monitoring” is expected to end. | |
endOfSuspension | The date and time (xsd:dateTime ) at which the corresponding “suspension-of-monitoring” actually ended. | |
nirsRef | A property that carries the NIRS (National Incident Reporting System) reference number associated with a “pollution-incident” or “suspension-of-monitoring”. | |
recordDateTime | The creation or modification date and time (xsd:dateTime ) at which the corresponding suspension-of-monitoring record was created/changed. | |
followingAssessment | An immediately following sample-assessment for the same bathing-water and assessment year, if any. | |
priorAssessment | An immediately prior sample-assessment for the same bathing-water and assessment year, if any. | |
relatedAssessment | Immediately prior or following sample assessments for the same bathing-water and assessment year, if any. | |
New as of bw-api v0.6 | ||
pollutionIncident | A reference from a suspension-of-monitoring record to a corresponding pollution-incident record | |
Added for bw-api v0.6
Pollution Incidents have been added to the data to provide coverage of a broader range of pollution-incidents that occur at a bathing-water, not just those that may give rise suspensions-of-monitoring.
Pollution incidents may involve more than one bathing-water, and may result in suspensions of monitoring at or or more of the involved bathing waters.
Class | URI Pattern | Example URI |
PollutionIncident |{incident-id}/recordDateTime/{recordDateTime} | |
For the purposes of creating unique URI for PollutionIncident records:
embeds a NIRS incident reference and the date and time that the incident was first record in the bathing-water system;recordDateTime
embeds the date and time that the record was itself created or modified in YYYYMMddHHmmss
format.Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
bathingWater | A property that associates something, in this case a pollution-incident record, with one or more bathing-waters. | (code). |
incidentType | A coded property that indicates the type of incident recorded in a pollution-incident record. Current incident-types are listed below. | |
samplingPoint | A property for associating something, in this case a pollution-incident record, with one or more bathing-water sampling points. | |
sampleYear | The bathing water assessment year of a “pollution-incident”. | |
startOfIncident | The date and time (xsd:dateTime ) at which the corresponding “pollution-incident” was first recorded in the BWQ system. | |
expectedEndOfIncident | The date (xsd:date ) on which the corresponding “pollution-incident” is expected to end. | |
endOfIncident | The date and time (xsd:dateTime ) at which the corresponding “pollution-incident” actually ended. | |
nirsRef | A property that carries the NIRS (National Incident Reporting System) reference number associated with a “pollution-incident” or “suspension-of-monitoring”. | |
pollutionIncidentNotation notation |
A coded value that carries matches the {incident-id} of the corresponding record URI which is used to group multiple pollution-incident records related to the same incident. | |
recordDateTime | The creation or modification date and time (xsd:dateTime ) at which the corresponding pollution-incident record was created/changed. | |
suspensionOfMonitoring | A property that associates something, in this case a pollution-incident record with zero or more suspension-of-monitoring records (up to one per bathing-water involved in the corresponding incident). | |
At the time of writing the following incident types have been assigned. In future further incident types may be assigned and incident types that have been assigned may become deprecated. Once deprecated an incident type should not be used in the reporting of new pollution-incidents.
Added for v0.4
During the summer of 2013 the Environment Agency will start to publish daily predictions of short-term pollution risk. Increased risk typically arises from rainfall. Short term RiskPredictions are modelled as illustrated below.
Short Term Pollution Risk Prediction
Class | URI Pattern | Example URI |
RiskPrediction |{bwspid}/date/{date} | |
For the purposes of creating unique URI for RiskPrediction records:
embeds a 5 digit bathing water sampling point code for the sampling point at the bathing-water associated with the prediction;date
embeds the date for which the prediction was made in yyyyMMdd-hhmmss
format;Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
stp_bathingWater | The bathing-water associated with a risk-prediction. | |
stp_samplingPoint | The sampling-point associated with a risk-prediction. | |
predictedOn | The day on which the prediction was made, expressed as an xsd:date . | |
predictedAt | The date and time when the prediction was made, expressed as an xsd:dateTime . | |
expiresAt | The date and time when the prediction expires, expressed as an xsd:dateTime . | |
publishedAt | The date and time when the prediction was published, expressed as an xsd:dateTime . | |
riskLevel | The predicted level of risk: normal , increased or unknown . | |
The major reference entities to which bathing-water-profile information needs to refer are the bathing-waters they describe and features, such as emergency storm overflow outlets, that may affect the water quality at a bathing water. For information about bathing-waters reference data, including Environment Agency regional organizations, see the bathing-water-quality API reference documentation.
Features are versioned following the versioningModel. Resources of type Enduring Feature are the enduring resources. Resources of type Feature are their versions.
The following URI patterns is used to designate instances of a class, but bear in mind that whilst they may provide useful ’hint’s URI are in-general considered to be opaque (see cooluris ).
Class | URI Pattern | Example URI |
Feature |{featureId}:{version} | |
Enduring Feature |{featureId} | |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
type | A property for indicating the type of a resource, in this case one of disused outfall ( DO ), emergency or storm overflow ( ESO ), river or stream intersection ( RSI ), surface water outfall ( SWO ) or treated sewage works outfall ( TSO ). | |
label | A property for associating a human readable label with a resource. | |
bathingWater | A property for associating something, in this case a feature, with a bathing water | |
easting | A property for associating something, in this case a feature, with its UK National Grid easting coordinate. | |
northing | A property for associating something, in this case a feature, with its UK National Grid northing grid coordinate. | |
lat | A property for associating something, in this case a feature, with a WGS84 latitude in decimal degrees. | |
long | A property for associating something, in this case a feature, with a WGS84 longitude in decimal degrees. | |
regionalOrganisation | A property used here to associate a feature with its responsible Environment Agency regional organisation. | |
isVersionOf | A property used here to associate an entity, in this case a feature, with the thing it is a a version of, in this case an EnduringFeature. | |
versionInterval | A property used here to associate a versioned entity, in this case a feature, with the interval for which it was current. | |
versionString | A property used here to associate a versioned entity, in this case a feature, with a string label for the version. | |
source | A property used here to associate a bathing water profile in linked data form with the data from which it was derived. | |
uriSet | The URI Set that a thing, in this case a feature, is a member of. | |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
hasVersion | A property used here to associate an enduring entity, in this case an enduring feature, with an entity that represents a version of it, in this case a feature. | |
uriSet | The URI Set that a thing, in this case an enduring feature, is a member of | |
Bathing water profiles are essentially a collection of natural language statements about bathing waters, published by the Environment Agency. A bathing water profile has a year of publication or applicable year. New profiles may be published about a bathing water from time to time, the frequency depending on the assessment of the water quality at the bathing water, but not more than once a year. New profiles are considered to be new publications, not new versions of the same publication. However, once published, a profile may be updated to correct errors. A corrected profile is considered to be a new version of the profile for an applicable year.
Bathing water profiles follow the versioning model. Resources of type EnduringBathingWaterProfile are the enduring profiles. Resources of type BathingWaterProfile are their versions.
Bathing water profiles contain standard language which is common across many profiles. Individual profiles are linked to a standard language collection which has properties describing the standard language.
The following URI patterns is used to designate instances of a class, but bear in mind that whilst they may provide useful ’hint’s URI are in-general considered to be opaque (see cooluris ).
Class | URI Pattern | Example URI |
BathingWaterProfile |{eubwid}/{year}:{ver} | |
EnduringBathingWaterProfile |{eubwid}/{year} | |
Standard Language |{year}:{ver} | |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
label | A property for associating a human readable label with a resource. | |
name | A property for indicating the preferred name of a thing. At most one preferred name per language, english and welsh in the case of this dataset. | |
bathingWater | A property for associating a bathing water with something else. | |
applicableYear | A property for associating a bathing water profile with the year it applies to, typically the year it was published. | |
standardLanguageCollection | A property for associating a bathing water profile with a collection of standard language that applies to many profiles. See standard language collection properties. | |
localAuthority | A property for associating something with a local authority. This property exists primarily to provide a name for the local authority. See local authority properties. | |
countyName | A colloquial name for the county containing the bathing water. This is the name of the county used by the Environment Agency on its published profiles and may differ from the names provided in reference data such as provided by the Ordinance Survey. | |
bathingWaterDescription | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a physical description of a bathing water. | |
zoiDescription | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a physical description of the surrounding catchment impacting on a bathing water. | |
streamsRiversStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a statement about details of streams and rivers that impact water quality at the bathing water. | |
investigationsStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a statement about details of any Environment Agency investigations into water quality which have impacted on the bathing water. | |
historyStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a statement about details of the history of any water company assets which impact a bathing water. | |
stwOutfallsStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a statement about details of any sewage treatment outfalls which may impact on a bathing water. | |
esoOutfallsStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a statement about details of any emergency outfalls and storm overflow outfalls which may impact on a bathing water. | |
localAuthorityStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a statement about details of any work or improvements to water quality undertaken with the local authority which may impact on a bathing water. | |
misconnectionsStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a brief statement about misconnections and any details specific to a bathing water. | |
workingWithFarmersStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a statement about details of any work or improvements to water quality undertaken with local farmers which may impact on a bathing water. | |
workingWithIndustryStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a statement about details of any work or improvements to water quality undertaken with local industry which may impact on a bathing water. | |
workingWithPrivateOwnersStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a statement about details of any work or improvements to water quality undertaken with private owners which may impact on a bathing water. | |
macroAlgaeStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a brief statement about Macroalgae (seaweed) at a bathing water. | |
phytoplanktonStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a brief statement about Phytoplankton at a bathing water. | |
webResImage | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with an image of the bathing water at a resolution suitable for displaying on a web page. | |
isVersionOf | A property used here to associate an entity with the enduring thing it is a a version of. | |
versionInterval | A property used here to associate a versioned entity with the interval for which it was current. | |
versionString | A property used here to associate a versioned entity with a string label for the version. | |
source | A property used here to associate a bathing water profile in linked data form with the data from which it was derived. | |
New as of bwp-api v0.2 | ||
otherPollutionSourcesStatement | A property used to relate a bathing water profile to a brief statement about other sources of pollution at a bathing water. | |
pollutionRiskForecastStatement | A property used to relate a bathing water profile to a brief statement the use and occurence of pollution risk forecasts at a bathing water. | |
pollutionRiskForecasting | A property used to indicate when the corresponding bathing-water is part of the Pollution Risk Reporting (PRF) programme during the period covered by the profile. | |
seasonStartDate | A property that indicates the first day of the interval during which the associated bathing-water will be monitoring during the season covered by the version of the bathing water profile. | |
seasonFinishDate | A property that indicates the last day of the interval during which the associated bathing-water will be monitoring during the season covered by the version of the bathing water profile. | |
seasonInterval | A property used to relate a bathing water profile to an interval indicating the period of time over which the associated bathing-water will be monitoring during the season covered by the version of the bathing water profile. | |
stepChangeStatement | A property used to relate a bathing water profile to a brief statement summarising step-changes, typically improvements, that affect the water quality at a bathing water. | |
visiblePollutionStatement | A property used to relate a bathing water profile to a brief statement about visible pollution at a bathing water. | |
account | A property used to relate a bathing-water profile to a social-media account used by a responsible agency to provide information about the bathing-water by social media channels. | |
New as of bw-api v0.6 | ||
controllerName | A property used to convey the name of the organisation that acts as bathing-water controller for the corresponding bathing water for the corresponding profile year. |": |
samplingFrequency | As of the 2017 bathing water season, this property indicates the number of water samples that are planned to be taken at the corresponding bathing water during the course of the corresponding season. Bathing waters that have consistently been of better quality are sampled less frequently. |": |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
label | A property for associating a human readable label with a resource, in this case the name of the local authority. | |
district | A reusable property used here to associate a local authority with the district it administers. | |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
label | A property for associating a human readable label with a resource. | |
name | A property for indicating the preferred name of a thing. At most one preferred name per language, english and welsh in the case of this dataset. | |
pollutionManagementGeneralStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a brief statement of how the Environment Agency manages pollution at bathing waters. | |
stwOutfallsGeneralStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a brief general statement of the improvements to sewage treatment outfalls. | |
esoOutfallsGeneralStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a brief statement about Emergency outfalls and Storm overflow outfalls. | |
localAuthorityGeneralStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a brief statement about precipitation run-off from roads and pavements. | |
algaeGeneralStatement | A property used for associating a bathing water profile with a brief statement about Algae in general at bathing waters | |
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
hasVersion | A property used here to associate an enduring bathing water profile with a version of that profile. | |
The Bathing Water Quality API is implemented as an LDA configuration.
The LDA framework provides for item and list endpoints.
Item endpoints are typically used as a way of realising linked-data URI for items of interest: vocabulary terms; things in the world – bathing waters, sampling points, zones of influence; and information items (documents, graphs, information objects) that describe those making use of vocabulary terms from one or more linked-data vocabularies.
List endpoints are used to generate pages that contain descriptions of items selected to meet particular criteria built in to the endpoint configuration and which may be augmented by parameters carried in the request URI. Request URI parameters may narrow the range of items presented in a response. A given list endpoint produces a series of pages which together traverse the set if items that meet the filter criteria for the endpoint augmented with filters from the URI.
Both item and list endpoints can be configured with one or more view. A view is a projection of some part of the RDF graph that emanates from the selected item, in the case of an item endpoint, or from each item included in a response page generated by a list endpoint.
Item and List endpoints can be configured with one or more views which can be selected through the use of a common LDA URI parameter _view
. Views are lists of property chains formed through the use of ‘.’ separated property short names. Pre-configured views can also be augmented with additional property chains through the use of the _properties
LDA URI parameter. For example:
&_properties=samplingPoint.easting, samplingPoint.northing
will include the OSGB easting and northings (if any) associated with a sampling point (if any) associated with selected items (typically bathing waters).
will include the GSS geography code (if any) of a local authority district (if any) associated with selected items (typically bathing waters).
In the API reference below property chains associated with pre-configured API endpoint views are listed. The _properties
provides a way for API users to augment any of the available or built-in views.
Built-in views that are operative for most available item and list endpoints are as follows:
View | Description |
basic | Presents item type and label properties |
description | Presents all the properties of selected items, and of b-node objects linked to selected items and so-on following links as far URI node or Literal items. A so-called b-node closure |
all | As description, but including available labels for all objects that are mentioned. |
Note that _view=description
and particularly _view=all
can generate large and time consuming queries when used in conjunction with slice listing endpoints (see below). This is because slices in general carry a large number of observations or assessments resulting in a large number of items to mention and/or to gather labels for presentation. Where possible technical measures are either in place or under development to prevent their use in circumstance where they would be of little utility at best.
For list endpoints, the item selection can be refined through the use of filter terms. For example, given the general bathing water list endpoint detailed below, the following URI will list all bathing water associated with a district whose GSS code is E07000188
, i.e. Sedgemoor District.
Similarly, the following URI will list all in-season sample assessments that have been withdrawn:
or the following URI will list all in-season sample assessments that have sample assessment classification of Excellent.
LDA also provides mechanisms that enable value ranges to be expressed, so for example in order to list all the latest in-season sample assessments for bathing water sampling points that fall within a given northing and eastings bounding box, URI such as the following can be used.
note the use of min-{P}
and max-{P}
to establish minimum and maximum filter range values for {P}
. In this case {P}
stands for the property chains bwq_samplingPoint.northing
and bwq_samplingPoint.easting
It is also possible to filter selected items based on the presence or absence of a property using the exists-{P}=<boolean>
URI parameter. For example the following URI will list in-season SampleAssessment
that have been replaced:
Similarly, the following URI lists SampleAssessments
that have not been replaced:
Each LDA endpoint is also capable of delivering its responses in several formats which can be triggered through the use of HTTP content-negotiation or the use of an explicit .ext
mechanism were the .ext
is inserted at the end of the URI path and prior to any URI query component. e.g. reusing an earlier example, a JSON response can be generated using the following URI:
Extension | Media Type | Description |
.rdf | application/rdf+xml | RDF/XML formatted data |
.ttl | text/turtle | Terse RDF Triple Language formatted data |
.xml | text/xml | LDA XML formatted data |
.json | application/json and text/javascript |
LDA JSON formatted data. Available both as JSON objects and JSONP callback scripts. |
.html | text/html | HTML formatted data. |
.text | text/plain | JSON formatted output presented with a text/plain media type. |
.csv | text/csv | Comma separated value formatted data. |
LDA provides both configuration and URI parameter based mechanisms for setting the default language choices for information presented via a view and for information selected via a filter. The bathing-water quality API is configured to default to filter-on and present text literals tagged with as English or that are untaggged.
This configuration can be overridden using _lang
and lang-{P}
URI parameters – where {P}
is a shortname for a property or a property chain. The value of the parameter is a comma separated list of language tag values. For this API, relevant language tag values are: en
for English, cy
for Welsh and none
for untagged values.
affects the languages used in filter matches that involve the property whose short-name is {P}
URI Parameter Setting | Description |
lang-name=en, none | Filters that involve the property whose short-name is name match values tagged as English or that are untagged. |
lang-mbox=none | Filters that involve the property whose short-name is mbox match only untagged values. |
_lang=en, cy, none | Sets the default languages for all filter properties and view projected values as English, Welsh or untagged. |
_lang=cy, none | Sets the default languages for all filter properties and view projected values as Welsh or untagged. |
In the case where there is are no values tagged with at least one of the configured languages, any available untagged values are presented instead.
The most useful values to use for the these parameters are en, none
, the configured default, and en, cy, none
which includes any text tagged as being Welsh in the output.
URI Parameter | Value Description |
exists-{P} | A boolean value parameter that filters items based on whether the given property chain, &{P} , can be bound. |
min-{P} | Sets an inclusive lower-bound filter on the value of the given property chain, {P} . Selected items must have a value for {P} that is greater than or equal to that given in the parameters value |
max-{P} | Sets an inclusive upper-bound filter on the value of the given property chain, {P} . Selected items must have a value for {P} that is less than or equal to that given in the parameter’s value |
minEx-{P} | Sets an exclusive lower-bound filter on the value of the given property chain, {P} . Selected items must have a value for {P} that is greater than that given in the parameter’s value |
maxEx-{P} | Sets an exclusive upper-bound filter on the value of the given property chain, {P} . Selected items must have a value for {P} that is less than that given in the parameter’s value |
_lang | A comma separated list of languages used for both filter based selection and value projection in response data. Default: en, none |
_pageSize | The requested maximum number of items to be on a requested list endpoint page. |
_page | The page number of a requested list endpoint page. |
_properties | A comma separated list of properties or property chains that are added to any default or selected views. |
_sort | A comma separated list of property shortnames or property chains which are used to order the items returned by a list endpoint. A leading '-' character on any property or property chain selects a descending rather than ascending order. |
_view | A view name that selects a pre-configured view that moderates the amount of detail presented about a given item in a resultset. |
callback | A javascript function named used when generating a JSONP response. |
More details about common LDA URI parameters can be found in the LDA Specification
It should be evident from this simple introduction that the LDA framework provides a powerful URI based mechanism for selecting and projecting information held with in an RDF store for use in implementing linked data URI pages and for building data consuming web applications.
This reference is divided into three sections, one each for API endpoint collected at
respectively and a final section that acts as a cross reference for shortnames that can be use to build property-chains for both views (&_properties=
) and filters (&{P}={V}
) as part of a URI based API call. Property chains can only be followed through items that have the corresponding properties. The Datamodel section earlier listed the properties that may be used from each of the available entry types.
Within each of the first two sub sections below, API endpoints are organised by the item type that they return and that share configured views. Each section lists:
Item Types: various: Ontology, OWL Class, RDFS Class, RDF Property, Datatype Property, Object Property, Datatype, ConceptScheme, Concept, Cube Data Structure Definition, Cube Slice Key
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/def | List | Lists vocabularies whose URI names begin | description, scheme |
/def/{vocabulary} | List | Lists vocabulary terms defined within{vocabulary}/. Currently, {vocabulary} = "bathing-water" or "bathing-water-quality" or "bathing-water-profile" or "bwq-som" or "bwq-stp" or "bwq-cc-2012" or "bwq-cc-2015" . |
description, scheme |
/def/{vocabulary}/ | Item | Returns data about a given vocabulary. | description, scheme |
/def/{vocabulary}/{term} | Item | Returns the definition of an individual vocabulary term. | description, definition |
/def/{vocabulary}/{term}/instance | List | For a given {term} where{vocabulary}/{term} is a class, returns a list of instances of that class. |
description, definition |
/def/{vocabulary}/{term}/property | List | For a given {term} where{vocabulary}/{term} is a class, returns a list of properties used within the data by instances of that class. |
description, definition |
/def/{vocabulary}/{term}/subclass | List | For a given {term} where{vocabulary}/{term} is a class, returns a list of defined subclasses of that class. |
description, definition |
View | Properties |
description | Built-in |
definition | name, type, definition, alias, label, note, scopeNote, topConcept, topConceptOf,,, comment, range, domain, type.label, isDefinedBy.label, subClassOf.label, subPropertyOf.label |
scheme | name, type, alias, label, note, scopeNote, contributor.who, contributor.mbox,, comment, isDefinedBy.label |
class from the bathing-water
vocabulary presented through the endpoint’s default view.BathingWater
class whose name
property has a value of “Spittal” presented through the endpoint’s default view.BathingWater
from the bathing-water-quality
vocabulary.New as of bwq-api v0.5
Item Types: Threshold UpperThreshold LowerThreshold
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/def/{codeset}/{code}/threshold/measure/{measure}/water/{water} | Item | Returns informations about a particular compliance assessment threshold. | description, basic, all |
/def/{codeset}/{code}/threshold/measure/{measure} | List | Lists compliance assessment thresholds for a given compliance classification, {code} , and measure property, {measure} .This will return thresholds that vary by water type, {water} . |
description, basic, all |
/def/{codeset}/{code}/threshold | List | Lists compliance thresholds for a given compliance classification, {code} . This will return thresholds that vary by water type, {water} and measure propery, {measure} . |
description, basic, all |
View | Properties |
basic | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
all | Built-in |
) Esherchia-Coli colony count ({measure}=escherichia-coli
) threshold (upper) for a “Good” classification ({code}=2
) using the endpoints default view (description
) Intestinal-Enterococci colony count ({measure}=intestinal-enterococci
) threshold (upper) for a “Sufficient” classification ({code}=3
) using the endpoints default view.{measure}=escherichia-coli
) thresholds (upper) across all bathing water types to achieve a “Good” ({code}=2
) classification using the built-in all
) classification across all water types and measures using the endpoints default view.As of the start of the 2015 bathing-water season the dataset structure described here has been rendered largely irrelevant. Natural Resources Wales have resposnibility for monitoring and reporting on bathing-water quality for Welsh bathing waters. Welsh bathing water quality information is now published separately at: The structure anticipated below remains in place however its is now populated solely by the Environment Agency and as of 2015 will only be updated with new information about bathing-water quality in England. Existing information about bathing-water quality in England and Wales prior to 2015 remains in place.
The previous dataset organisation has been extended in preparation for bathing-water quality data and reference information being published by multiple monitoring bodies within the UK, for example SEPA in Scotland and a future Single Environmental Body for Wales.
The top level in-season sample assessment and annual compliance assessment cube datasets are retained however, they are each formulated as an aggregation of underlying subsets with an in-season assessment subset and an annual compliance subset per monitoring body. Dataset slices remain formulated over the entire aggregation as before, however individual observations (SampleAssessments and ComplianceAssessments) are linked to the per monitoring body subset. Baseline and incremental updates of per monitoring body in-season and annual compliance dataset are formulated as distinct subsets of the corresponding per monitoring body cubes.
SuspensionOfMonitoring are organised similarly as a hierarchy of VoID datasets rooted in the top-level bathing-water-quality dataset with an over all suspension-of-monitoring with per monitoring body aggregation subsets eg. which collects subordinate baseline and incremental suspension of monitoring datasets.
This is illustrated in the diagram below:
In-Season, Annual Compliance and Suspension-of-Monitoring Dataset Organisation
Item type: VoID Dataset, Cube Dataset
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/data | List | Lists VoID and Cube datasets within the | dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality | Item | Top-level Bathing Water Quality dataset | dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/{dataset} | Item | Top-level in-season or annual compliance data assessment datasets {dataset} = "in-season" or "compliance" or "suspension" |
dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/dataset-increment | List | List available in-season dataset subsets corresponding to baseline and incremental update data | dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/{dataset}/dataset-increment/{increment} | Item | Describes a particular dataset subset | dataset, basic, description |
New as of bwq-api v0.2 | |||
/data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/in-season | Item | Returns information about a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s in-season sample assessment cube dataset (see dataset organisation ). | dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/in-season/ | List | Lists baseline and incremental update (void) datasets that contribute to a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s in-season sample assessment (cube) dataset (see dataset organisation ). | dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/in-season/dataset-increment/{release} | Item | Return information about a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s baseline or incremental release of in-season sample assessment data (see dataset organisation ). | dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/compliance | Item | Returns information about a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s annual compliance assessment cube dataset (see dataset organisation ). | dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/compliance/ | List | Lists baseline and incremental update (void) datasets that contribute to a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s annual compliance assessment (cube) dataset (see dataset organisation ). | dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/compliance/dataset-increment/{release} | Item | Return information about a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s baseline or incremental release of annual compliance assessment data (see dataset organisation ). | dataset, basic, description |
New as of bwq-api v0.3 | |||
/data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/suspension | Item | Returns information about a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s suspension of monitoring dataset (see dataset organisation ). | dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/suspension/ | List | Lists baseline and incremental update (void) datasets that contribute to a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s suspension-of-monitoring dataset (see dataset organisation ). | dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/suspension/dataset-increment/{release} | Item | Return information about a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s baseline or incremental release of suspension-of-monitoring data (see dataset organisation ). | dataset, basic, description |
New as of bwq-api v0.5 | |||
(code) /data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/compliance-{regime}/ | List | For a particular compliance assessment regime , {regime} , lists baseline and incremental update (void) datasets that contribute to a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s annual compliance assessment (cube) dataset. (see dataset organisation ). |
dataset, basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/{publisher}/compliance-{regime}/dataset-increment/{release} | Item | For a particular compliance assessment regime , {regime} , return information about a particular publisher’s or monitoring body’s baseline or incremental release of annual compliance assessment data (see dataset organisation ). |
dataset, basic, description |
View | Properties |
basic | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
dataset | name, label, type, comment, description, created, modified, subset, subset.label,, dataDump, vocabulary, vocabulary.label, license, source, structure, uriRegexPattern |
Item Type: BathingWater
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/id/bathing-water/ /doc/bathing-water/ |
Item | Describes the Environment Agency bathing-water URIset. | all, description |
/id/bathing-water /doc/bathing-water |
List | Lists designated bathing waters that are members of the bathing-water URI set. In particular, the list omits formerly designated bathing waters that have been de-designated. | all, desciption, bathing-water |
/id/bathing-water/{eubwid} /doc/bathing-water/{eubwid} |
Item | Describes a particular bathing-water. | all, desciption, bathing-water |
/doc/nearest-bathing-water/easting/{easting}/northing/{northing} | List | Lists designated bathing waters that are nearest to a location given by an OSGB easting and northing. In particular, the list omits formerly designated bathing waters that have been de-designated. | all, desciption, bathing-water |
View | Properties |
all | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
bathing-water | name, type, envelope.label, sedimentTypesPresent, yearDesignated, yearDedesignated, latestProfile,,,,,, waterQualityImpactedByHeavyRain, eubwidNotation,, uriSet.label, seeAlso, sameAs,,, samplingPoint.long, samplingPoint.easting, samplingPoint.northing, latestSampleAssessment,, latestComplianceAssessment,,, latestRiskPrediction.expiresAt, appointedSewerageUndertaker.label,, appointedSewerageUndertaker.companyProfile.label, latestActiveSuspension.startOfSuspension, latestActiveSuspension.endOfSuspension, latestActiveSuspension.expectedEndOfSuspension, latestActiveSuspension.description, latestActiveSuspension.label, latestOpenIncident.incidentNotation, latestOpenIncident.startOfIncident, latestOpenIncident.nirsRef, latestOpenIncident.expectedEndOfIncident, latestOpenIncident.endOfIncident, latestOpenIncident.incidentType.label, latestOpenIncident.recordDateTime |
properties associated with the returned bathing-water descriptions. The list page is rendered in a default or content-negotiated format.90000<=easting<=240000
and 0<=northing<=70000
, viewed through the default view for the endpoint.Added for bw-api v0.6
Item Type: WIMS Water Quality Archive Sampling Points
These endpoints provide a means to link bathing-water with more detailed information about water sample taken at bathing-waters maintained in the Water Quality Archive.
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/wims-sampling-points | List | List water quality (WIMS) sampling points that correspond to bathing water sampling points with information about the bathing water seasons that the particular WIMS sampling points were active as bathing water sampling points. | description |
/doc/bathing-water/{eubwid}/wims-sampling-points | List | For the given bathing water, List water quality (WIMS) sampling points that correspond to bathing water sampling points with information about the bathing water seasons that the particular WIMS sampling points were active as bathing water sampling points. | description |
View | Properties |
basic | Built-in |
all | Built-in |
description | Built-in type, label, bathingWater, samplingPoint, firstSeason, finalSeason, notation |
Item type: SampleAssessment
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/in-season/sample | List | General listing endpoint for listing in-season sample assessment. Beware of the use of the _sort URI parameter without further qualifying the sample assessment being sought. There are in-excess of 210k in-season sample assessments in the dataset. |
location, assessment, assessment-csv, classification, coliforms, streptococci, entrovirus, salmonella, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/sample/point/{bwspid}/date/{date}/time/{time}/recordDate | List | List sample assessments for a given bathing-water or sampling-point with the same sampling date and time. This lists new, replacement and withdrawal sample assessment records for the same sample. | location, assessment, assessment-csv, classification, coliforms, streptococci, entrovirus, salmonella, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/sample/point/{bwspid}/date/{date}/time/{time}/recordDate/{recDate} | Item | Describes a particular in-season sample assessment | location, assessment, assessment-csv, classification, coliforms, streptococci, entrovirus, salmonella, description |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/in-season/latest | List | List the latest, un-replaced, un-withdrawn in-season sample assessments. At most one per bathing-water. | location, assessment, assessment-csv, classification, coliforms, streptococci, entrovirus, salmonella, description |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/in-season/bathing-water/{eubwid} | List | Lists un-replaced, un-withdrawn in-season sample assessments for a given bathing-water | location, assessment, assessment-csv, classification, coliforms, streptococci, entrovirus, salmonella, description |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/in-season/bathing-water/{eubwid}/latest | List | Lists the (single) latest, un-withdrawn, un-replaced in-season sample assessment for a given bathing-water. | location, assessment, assessment-csv, classification, coliforms, streptococci, entrovirus, salmonella, description |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/in-season/point/{bwspid} | List | Lists un-replaced, un-withdrawn in-season sample assessments taken at a given sampling-point. | location, assessment, assessment-csv, classification, coliforms, streptococci, entrovirus, salmonella, description |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/in-season/point/{bwspid}/latest | List | Lists the (single) latest, un-withdrawn, un-replaced in-season sample assessment taken at a given sampling-point. | location, assessment, assessment-csv, classification, coliforms, streptococci, entrovirus, salmonella, description |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/in-season/latest-nearest/easting/{easting}/northing/{northing} | List | List the latest in-season sample assessments taken at sampling-points closest to a location given by OSGB easting and northing. By default list the nearest 5 sample assessments in order of increasing distance. _pageSize can be used to vary the number of results and further results can be obtained on successive pages using the _page |
location, assessment, assessment-csv, classification, coliforms, streptococci, entrovirus, salmonella, description |
View | Properties |
description | Built-in |
location | label, type, source, dataset, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation,, bwq_samplingPoint.easting, bwq_samplingPoint.northing,, bwq_samplingPoint.long,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleDateTime.inXSDDateTime, sampleWeek.label, sampleClassification.complianceCodeNotation,, totalColiformQualifier.countQualifierNotation, totalColiformCount, faecalColiformQualifier.countQualifierNotation, faecalColiformCount, faecalStreptococciQualifier.countQualifierNotation, faecalStreptococciCount, entrovirusQualifier.countQualifierNotation, entrovirusCount, escherichiaColiCount, escherichiaColiQualifier.countQualifierNotation, intestinalEnterococciCount, intestinalEnterococciQualifier.countQualifierNotation,, salmonellaPresent.presenceNotation, abnormalWeatherException |
assessment | label, type, source, dataset, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation,,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleDateTime.inXSDDateTime, sampleWeek.label, sampleClassification.complianceCodeNotation,, totalColiformQualifier.countQualifierNotation, totalColiformCount, faecalColiformQualifier.countQualifierNotation, faecalColiformCount, faecalStreptococciQualifier.countQualifierNotation, faecalStreptococciCount, entrovirusQualifier.countQualifierNotation, entrovirusCount, escherichiaColiCount, escherichiaColiQualifier.countQualifierNotation, intestinalEnterococciCount, intestinalEnterococciQualifier.countQualifierNotation,, salmonellaPresent.presenceNotation, abnormalWeatherException |
assessment-csv | type, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleDateTime.inXSDDateTime, sampleWeek.label, sampleClassification.complianceCodeNotation, totalColiformQualifier.countQualifierNotation, totalColiformCount, faecalColiformQualifier.countQualifierNotation, faecalColiformCount, faecalStreptococciQualifier.countQualifierNotation, faecalStreptococciCount, entrovirusQualifier.countQualifierNotation, entrovirusCount, escherichiaColiCount, escherichiaColiQualifier.countQualifierNotation, intestinalEnterococciCount, intestinalEnterococciQualifier.countQualifierNotation, salmonellaPresent.presenceNotation, abnormalWeatherException |
classification | type, label, source, dataset, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation,,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleDateTime.inXSDDateTime, sampleWeek.label, sampleClassification.complianceCodeNotation,, abnormalWeatherException |
coliforms | type, label, source, dataset, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation,,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleDateTime.inXSDDateTime, sampleWeek.label, totalColiformQualifier.countQualifierNotation, totalColiformCount, faecalColiformQualifier.countQualifierNotation, faecalColiformCount, abnormalWeatherException |
streptococci | type, label, source, dataset, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation,,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleDateTime.inXSDDateTime, sampleWeek.label, faecalStreptococciQualifier.countQualifierNotation, faecalStreptococciCount, abnormalWeatherException |
entrovirus | type, label, source, dataset, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation,,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleDateTime.inXSDDateTime, sampleWeek.label, entrovirusQualifier.countQualifierNotation, entrovirusCount, abnormalWeatherException |
salmonella | type, label, source, dataset, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation,,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleDateTime.inXSDDateTime, sampleWeek.label,, salmonellaPresent.presenceNotation, abnormalWeatherException |
New as of bwq-api v0.2 | |
intestinalEnterococci | type, label, source, dataset, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation,,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleDateTime.inXSDDateTime, sampleWeek.label, intestinalEnterococciQualifier.countQualifierNotation, intestinalEnterococciCount, abnormalWeatherException |
escherichiaColi | type, label, source, dataset, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation,,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleDateTime.inXSDDateTime, sampleWeek.label, escherichiaColiQualifier.countQualifierNotation, escherichiaColiCount, abnormalWeatherException |
whose recordStatus
is replacement
meaning that they are a replacement for an earlier SampleAssessment
whose sampleClassification
have a name
of Excellent
and whose sampleDateTime
lies between midnight on 20th June 2011 and midnight on 30th June 2011. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed through the endpoints default view.SampleAssessment
taken at a SamplingPoint
that lies within a box bounded by 280000<=easting<=360000
and 150000<=northing<=190000
. The page is viewed with the endpoints default view.SampleAssessment
nearest to a point-of-interest easting=329114
, northing=154114
that have a sampleClassification
with a name
of Good
. The list entries are ordered by increasing straight-line distance from the point of interest. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoints default view.SampleAssessments
that have been superceeded by a subsequent SampleAssessment
. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoints default view.Item type: Slice, ByYearSlice, BySamplingPointSlice, BySamplingPointYearSlice, ByWeekSlice
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/slice | List | List all in-season dataset slices | basic |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/slice/latest | Item | Describes the (singleton) latest in-season assessment slice | basic, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/slice/point | List | List all in-season BySamplingPointSlice slices. | slice-by-point, basic |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/slice/point/{point} | Item | Describes an in-season BySamplingPointSlice for a given sampling-point. | slice-by-point, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/slice/point-year | List | List all in-season BySamplingPointYearSlice slices. | slice-by-point-year, basic |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/slice/point/{point}/year/{year} | Item | Describes an in-season BySamplingPointYearSlice slice for a given sampling-point and year | slice-by-point-year, description, basic |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/slice/week | List | List all in-season ByWeekSlice slices. | slice-by-week, basic |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/slice/week/{week} | Item | Describes an in-season ByWeekSlice for a given week. | slice-by-week, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/slice/year | List | List all in-season ByYearSlice slices. | slice-by-year, basic |
/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/slice/year/{year} | Item | Describes an in-season ByYearSlice for a given year. | slice-by-year, description |
View | Properties |
basic | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
slice-by-point (list) | name, label,, bwq_samplingPoint.easting, bwq_samplingPoint.northing,, bwq_samplingPoint.long |
slice-by-point (item) | name, label,, bwq_samplingPoint.easting, bwq_samplingPoint.northing,, bwq_samplingPoint.long, observation.sampleWeek.label |
slice-by-point-year (list) | name, label, sampleYear.ordinalYear,, bwq_samplingPoint.easting, bwq_samplingPoint.northing,, bwq_samplingPoint.long |
slice-by-point-year (item) | name, label, sampleYear.ordinalYear,, bwq_samplingPoint.easting, bwq_samplingPoint.northing,, bwq_samplingPoint.long, observation.sampleWeek.label |
slice-by-week (list) | name, label, sampleWeek.ordinalWeekOfYear, sampleWeek.ordinalWeekOfYearYear |
slice-by-week (item) | name, label, sampleWeek.ordinalWeekOfYear, sampleWeek.ordinalWeekOfYearYear, |
slice-by-year (list) | name, label, sampleYear.ordinalYear |
slice-by-year (item) | name, label, sampleYear.ordinalYear,, observation.sampleWeek.label |
Caution: given the large number of SampleAssessments
associated with many slices, it is unwise to use the built-in views, _view=all
or _view=description
, in conjuction with slice listing endpoints.
slice for all SampleAssessment
taken in week 20 of 2010. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoints default view.ByWeekSlice
slices for week 20 of any year, ordered by year. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoint’s default view.Item Type: Annual ComplianceAssessment
In order to accomodate a the transition to the monitoring and reporting regime of the Revised Bathing Water Directive (rBWD), new per-regime compliance assessment datasets have been created. As of the start of the 2015 bathing water season, annual compliance assessments are reported under the rBWD regime. In addtion, projected rBWD compliance assessments for earlier years (2014 and earlier) are also available. rBWD compliance assessments include and assessmentQualifier property that indicates whether they are actual-assessment or a projected-assessment rBWD compliance assessments are accessed using the URI patterns that include a -{regime}
component. Pre-BWD compliance assessments, under the earlier 1976 bathing-water directive, are accessed using the URI patterns without the -{regime}
component. The -[regime}
component in the URI patterns below is intended to anticipate future changes in monitoring and assessment regimes.
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance /doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime} |
List | General listing endpoint for listing annual compliance assessments | compliance, description, compliance-csv, with-stats |
/data/bathing-water-quality/compliance/point/{bwspid}/year/{year} /data/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/point/{bwspid}/year/{year} |
Item | Describes an annual compliance assessment for samples taken at a given sampling point for a given year. | compliance, description, compliance-csv, with-stats |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance/latest /doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/latest |
List | List the most recent annual compliance assessment for each bathing water. | compliance, description, compliance-csv, with-stats |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance/latest-nearest/easting/{easting}/northing/{northing} /doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/latest-nearest/easting/{easting}/northing/{northing} |
List | List the most recent annual compliance assessment taking at sampling points that are closest to a location given by an OSGB easting and northing. By default list the nearest 5 compliance assessments in order of increasing distance. _pageSize can be used to vary the number of results and further results can be obtained on successive pages using the _page . |
compliance, description, compliance-csv, with-stats |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance/bathing-water/{eubwid} /doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/bathing-water/{eubwid} |
List | Lists annual compliance assessments for a given bathing-water. | compliance, description, compliance-csv, with-stats |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance/bathing-water/{eubwid}/latest /doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/bathing-water/{eubwid}/latest |
List | Lists the single latest compliance assessment for a given bathing-water. | compliance, description, compliance-csv, with-stats |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance/point/{bwspid} /doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/point/{bwspid} |
List | Lists annual compliance assessments taken at a given sampling point. | compliance, description, compliance-csv, with-stats |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance/point/{bwspid}/latest /doc/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/point/{bwspid}/latest |
List | Lists the single latest compliance assessment taken at a given sampling point. | compliance, description, compliance-csv, with-stats |
View | Properties |
description | Built-in |
compliance | type, label, source,, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation, bwq_samplingPoint.easting, bwq_samplingPoint.northing,, bwq_samplingPoint.long,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleYear.ordinalYear, complianceClassification.complianceCodeNotation, Added as of bwq-api v0.5,, intestinalEnterococciStats, escherichiaColiStats |
New as of bwq-api v0.5 | |
compliance-csv | label, source,, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation, bwq_samplingPoint.easting, bwq_samplingPoint.northing,, bwq_samplingPoint.long,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleYear.ordinalYear, complianceClassification.complianceCodeNotation,,,, intestinalEnterococciStats.*, escherichiaColiStats.* |
with stats | type, label, source,, bwq_samplingPoint.samplePointNotation, bwq_samplingPoint.easting, bwq_samplingPoint.northing,, bwq_samplingPoint.long,, bwq_bathingWater.eubwidNotation, sampleYear.ordinalYear, complianceClassification.complianceCodeNotation,,,, intestinalEnterococciStats.*, escherichiaColiStats.* |
whose complianceClassification
has a name of Poor
. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoints default view.ComplianceAssessment
for bathing-waters whose SamplingPoint
is nearest to a point-of-interest at easting=329114
, northing=154114
, ordered by increasing straight-line distance from that point. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoints default view.ComplianceAssessment
recorded under the rBWD annual compliance regime whose complianceClassification
have a name of Poor
. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoints default view.Item type: Annual ComplianceByYearSlice, Annual ComplianceBySamplingPointSlice
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/data/bathing-water-quality/compliance/slice /data/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/slice |
List | List all annual compliance dataset slices | basic |
/data/bathing-water-quality/compliance/slice/point /data/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/slice/point |
List | List all annual compliance ComplianceBySamplingPointSlice slices. | slice-by-point |
/data/bathing-water-quality/compliance/slice/point/{point} /data/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/slice/point/{point} |
Item | Describe an annual compliance ComplianceBySamplingPointSlice for a given sampling-point. | slice-by-point, description |
/data/bathing-water-quality/compliance/slice/year /data/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/slice/year |
List | List all annual compliance ComplianceByYearSlice slices. | slice-by-year |
/data/bathing-water-quality/compliance/slice/year/{year} /data/bathing-water-quality/compliance-{regime}/slice/year/{year} |
Item | Describe an annual compliance ComplianceByYearSlice slice for a given year. | slice-by-year, description |
View | Properties |
basic | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
slice-by-point (list) | name, label, |
slice-by-point (item) | name, label,, observation.sampleYear.ordinalYear, |
slice-by-year (list) | name, label, sampleYear.ordinalYear |
slice-by-year (item) | name, label, sampleYear.ordinalYear,, |
for the year 2010. This slice lists the annual ComplianceAssessments
for the calendar year 2010. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoints default view.Item Type: SuspensionOfMonitoring
These API endpoints are organised such that succcessive truncations of the URI for a SuspensionOfMonitoring record yield lists of records that are progressively less constrained by the parameters truncated from the URI. The table below is organised to emphasise this effects of such truncation.
For endpoints that have two similar URI patterns starting /doc/...
and /data/...
, the /data/...
URI will 303 redirect to the corresponding /doc/...
URI. The /doc/...
pages are constructed by the API framework whereas any for /data/...
URI that respond directly (without redirection) correspond to an item in the datastore. Using /data/...
URI to access the listed of endpoints below will incur an extra network round trip that can be avoided by using the corresponding /doc/...
URI by preference.
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/data/bathing-water-quality/suspension | Item | Returns information about the top-level Suspension of Monitoring Dataset | basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension | List | Lists the most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for each recorded suspension of monitoring. | basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/active-on/{YYYYMMdd} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/active-on/{YYYYMMdd} |
List | Lists the most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for any suspension-of-monitoring which starts on or before the indicated date, YYYYMMdd , and either has no recorded endOfSuspension or ends on or after the indicated date. |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/completed-by/{YYYYMMdd} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/completed-by/{YYYYMMdd} |
List | Lists the most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for any suspension-of-monitoring which ends on or before the indicated date, YYYYMMdd . |
basic, description, all |
Suspensions by SamplingPoint | |||
/data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/date/{YYYYMMdd}/time/{HHmmss}/recordDateTime/{YYYYMMssHHmm} | Item | Returns information about an individual SuspensionOfMonitoring record. | basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/date/{YYYYMMdd}/time/{HHmmss} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/date/{YYYYMMdd}/time/{HHmmss} |
List | Lists of all (including updated records) SuspensionOfMonitoring records for the SamplingPoint indicated by point for a suspension-of-monitoring that starts at a given date, YYYYMMdd , and time, HHmmss . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/date/{YYYYMMdd}/time/{HHmmss}/latest /doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/date/{YYYYMMdd}/time/{HHmmss}/latest |
List | Lists the single most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for the SamplingPoint indicated by point for a suspension-of-monitoring that starts at a given date, YYYYMMdd , and time, HHmmss . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/date/{YYYYMMdd} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/date/{YYYYMMdd} |
List | Lists of all (including updated records) SuspensionOfMonitoring records for the SamplingPoint indicated by point for suspensions-of-monitoring that start on a given date, YYYYMMdd . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/latest /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/latest |
List | Lists the one most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for the SamplingPoint indicated by point . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point} |
List | Lists the most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for each recorded suspension associated with the SamplingPoint indicated by point . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/active-on/{YYYYMMdd} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/active-on/{YYYYMMdd} |
List | Lists the most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for any suspension-of-monitoring at the SamplingPoint indicated by point which starts on or before the indicated date, YYYYMMdd , and either has no recorded endOfSuspension or ends on or after the indicated date. |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/completed-by/{YYYYMMdd} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/point/{point}/completed-by/{YYYYMMdd} |
List | Lists the most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for any suspension-of-monitoring at the SamplingPoint indicated by point which ends on or before the indicated date, YYYYMMdd . |
basic, description, all |
Suspensions by BathingWater | |||
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid} |
List | Lists the most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for each recorded suspension associated with the BathingWater indicated by eubwid . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/date/{YYYYMMdd}/time/{HHmmss} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/date/{YYYYMMdd}/time/{HHmmss} |
List | Lists of all (including updated records) SuspensionOfMonitoring records for the BathingWater indicated by eubwid for a suspension-of-monitoring that starts at a given date, YYYYMMdd , and time, HHmmss . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/date/{YYYYMMdd}/time/{HHmmss}/latest /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/date/{YYYYMMdd}/time/{HHmmss}/latest |
List | Lists the single most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for the BathingWater indicated by eubwid for a suspension-of-monitoring that starts at a given date, YYYYMMdd , and time, HHmmss . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/date/{YYYYMMdd} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/date/{YYYYMMdd} |
List | Lists of all (including updated records) SuspensionOfMonitoring records for the BathingWater indicated by eubwid for suspensions-of-monitoring that start on a given date, YYYYMMdd . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/latest /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/latest |
List | Lists the one most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for the BathingWater indicated by eubwid . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/active-on/{YYYYMMdd} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/active-on/{YYYYMMdd} |
List | Lists the most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for any suspension-of-monitoring at the BathingWater indicated by eubwid which starts on or before the indicated date, YYYYMMdd , and either has no recorded endOfSuspension or ends on or after the indicated date. |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/completed-by/{YYYYMMdd} /data/bathing-water-quality/suspension/bathing-water/{eubwid}/completed-by/{YYYYMMdd} |
List | Lists the most recent SuspensionOfMonitoring record for any suspension-of-monitoring at the BathingWater indicated by eubwid which ends the indicated date, YYYYMMdd . |
basic, description, all |
View | Properties |
basic | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
all | Built-in |
).Item Type: PollutionIncident
Added for bw-api v0.6
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/data/bathing-water-quality/pollution-incident/{inc_id}/recordDateTime/{yyyyMMddHHmmmss} | Item | Returns a particular pollution incident record | pollution-incident |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/pollution-incident | List | Lists the most recent available pollution-incident records for each pollution incident. | pollution-incident |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/pollution-incident/closed | List | Lists the most recent available pollution-incident records for polution incidents that have concluded (i.e. have been closed). | pollution-incident |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/pollution-incident/open | List | Lists the most recent available pollution-incident records for polution incidents that have not concluded (i.e. that remain open). | pollution-incident |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/pollution-incident/open-at/{yyyyMMddHHmmss} | Lists | Lists the most recent available pollution-incident records for polution incidents that not concluded (i.e. that remain open) as of the given date-time. This endpoint is of potential use in testing application scenarios using information about concluded incidents and effectively setting one’s perspective at a point in the past. | pollution-incident |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/pollution-incident/{incident-id} | List | List all the pollution-incident records related to a particular incident. | pollution-incident |
View | Properties |
basic | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
all | Built-in |
pollution-incident | *, *.label, *.name, *.type, *.notation, suspensionOfMonitoring.*, bathingWater.eubwidNotation, samplingPoint.samplePointNotation |
Added for bw-api v0.6
The following endpoints are designed to support the disemination of a single “advice against bathing” message arising from the presence of any of the following being active at bathing waters:
In general, at given bathing water, these conditions will give rise to the presence of a value for:
So-called “advice against bathing” is not materialised within the data. Instead it implied by the presense of any one of the above indicators. The AAB endpoints have two broad flavours: Endpoints that list bathing-waters where there is advice against bathing; and endpoints that list the situations (pollution-incidents, suspensions-of-monitoring and/or short-term-pollution-risk forcasts) that support the giving of “advice-against-bathing”.
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/advice-against-bathing/situations | List | Returns a list of all the currently active situations (pollution-incidents, suspensions-of-monitoring and short-term-pollution risk forcasts of increased risk) that give rise to ‘advice-against-bathing’. | situation-details |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/advice-against-bathing/situations-at/{yyyyMMddHHmmss} | List | Returns a list of all the active situations (pollution-incidents, suspensions-of-monitoring and short-term-pollution risk forcasts of increased risk) that give rise to ‘advice-against-bathing’ that were current at the given date/time. | situation-details |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/advice-against-bathing/bathing-water/{eubwid}/situations | List | Returns a list of all the currently active situations (pollution-incidents, suspensions-of-monitoring and short-term-pollution risk forcasts of increased risk) that give rise to ‘advice-against-bathing’ at the given bathing-water. | situation-details |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/advice-against-bathing/bathing-water/{eubwid}/situations-at/{yyyyMMddHHmmss} | List | Returns a list of all the active situations (pollution-incidents, suspensions-of-monitoring and short-term-pollution risk forcasts of increased risk) that give rise to ‘advice-against-bathing’ that were current at the given date/time at the given bathing-water. | situation-details |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/advice-against-bathing/point/{bwspid}/situations | List | Returns a list of all the currently active situations (pollution-incidents, suspensions-of-monitoring and short-term-pollution risk forcasts of increase risk) that give rise to ‘advice-against-bathing’ at the given bathing-water sampling point . | situation-details |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/advice-against-bathing/point/{bwspid}/situations-at/{yyyyMMddHHmmss} | List | Returns a list of all the active situations (pollution-incidents, suspensions-of-monitoring and short-term-pollution risk forcasts of increased risk) that give rise to ‘advice-against-bathing’ that were current at the given date/time at the given bathing-water sampling point. | situation-details |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/advice-against-bathing/bathing-waters | List | Returns a list of bathing-waters where there is currently ‘advice-against-bathing’ | bathing-water |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/advice-against-bathing/bathing-waters-at/{yyMMddHHmmss} | List | Returns a list of bathing-waters where there was ‘advice-against-bathing’ at the given data/time | bathing-water |
The default views for these endpoints are such that for ‘situation’ oriented views the view extends to the bathing-water associated with the ‘situation’ and for bathing-water views the view extends to the ‘situations’ that give rise to ‘advice-against-bathing’.
View | Properties |
basic | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
all | Built-in |
bathing-water | name, type, envelope.label, sedimentTypesPresent, yearDesignated, yearDedesignated, latestProfile,,,,,, waterQualityImpactedByHeavyRain, eubwidNotation,, uriSet.label, seeAlso, sameAs,,, samplingPoint.long, samplingPoint.easting, samplingPoint.northing, latestSampleAssessment,, latestComplianceAssessment,,, latestRiskPrediction.expiresAt, appointedSewerageUndertaker.label,, appointedSewerageUndertaker.companyProfile.label, latestActiveSuspension.startOfSuspension, latestActiveSuspension.endOfSuspension, latestActiveSuspension.expectedEndOfSuspension, latestActiveSuspension.description, latestActiveSuspension.label, latestOpenIncident.incidentNotation, latestOpenIncident.startOfIncident, latestOpenIncident.nirsRef, latestOpenIncident.expectedEndOfIncident, latestOpenIncident.endOfIncident, latestOpenIncident.incidentType.label, latestOpenIncident.recordDateTime |
pollution-incident | *, *.label, *.name, *.type, *.notation, suspensionOfMonitoring.*, bathingWater.eubwidNotation, samplingPoint.samplePointNotation |
Item Type: RiskPrediction
These API endpoints are organised such that succcessive truncations of the URI for a RiskPrediction yield lists that are progressively less constrained by the parameters truncated from the URI. The table below is organised to emphasise this effects of such truncation.
For endpoints that have two similar URI patterns starting /doc/...
and /data/...
, the /data/...
URI will 303 redirect to the corresponding /doc/...
URI. The /doc/...
pages are constructed by the API framework whereas any for /data/...
URI that respond directly (without redirection) correspond to an item in the datastore. Using /data/...
URI to access the listed of endpoints below will incur an extra network round trip that can be avoided by using the corresponding /doc/...
URI by preference.
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/stp-risk-prediction | List | Lists available RiskPredictions | basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/stp-risk-prediction/latestOn/{yyyymmdd} | List | A list of the most recent RiskPrediction" associated each bathing-water for which predictions are being made, that occurred on or before the date indicated by yyyymmdd . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/stp-risk-prediction/point/{bwspid} | List | Lists available RiskPredictions" associated with a given bathing-water sampling point indicated by bwspid |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/stp-risk-prediction/point/{bwspid}/latestOn/{yyyymmdd} | Item | Returns the single, most recent RiskPredictions" associated with a given bathing-water sampling point indicated by bwspid which occurred on or before the date indicated by yyyymmdd . |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/stp-risk-prediction/bathing-water/{eubwid} | List | Lists available RiskPredictions" associated with a given bathing-water indicated by eubwid |
basic, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/stp-risk-prediction/bathing-water/{eubwid}/latestOn/{yyyymmdd} | Item | Returns the single, most recent RiskPredictions" associated with a given bathing-waterindicated by eubwid which occurred on or before the date indicated by yyyymmdd . |
basic, description, all |
View | Properties |
basic | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
all | Built-in |
Item Type: StepChange
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/data/bathing-water-quality/step-change/point/{bwspid}/date/{date} | Item | Describes a particular step-change | description, basic, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/step-change | List | Returns a list of all step changes | description, basic, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/step-change/bathing-water/{eubwid} | List | Returns a list of all step-changes for a particular bathing-water | description, basic, all |
/doc/bathing-water-quality/step-change/point/{bwspid} | List | Returns a list of all step-changes for a particular sampling-point | description, basic, all |
View | Properties |
basic | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
all | Built-in |
Item type: BathingWaterProfile
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/data/bathing-water-profile-dataset | Item | Describes the Bathing Water Profile dataset. | dataset, description, all |
/data/bathing-water-profile-dataset/eaew | Item | Describes the Environment Agency for England and Wales Bathing Water Profile dataset. | dataset, description, all |
/data/bathing-water-profile-dataset/eaew/{year} | Item | Describes the Environment Agency Bathing Water Profile dataset for a year. | dataset, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-profile | List | Lists all bathing water profiles. | short-profile, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-profile:latest | List | Lists the latest profile for all bathing waters. | short-profile, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-profile/{eubwid} | List | Lists all the bathing water profile versions for the specified bathing water. | short-profile, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-profile/{eubwid}:latest | Item | Describes latest bathing water profile for the specified bathing water. | profile, full-profile, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-profile/{eubwid}/{year} | List | Lists all the bathing water profile versions for the specified bathing water and year. | short-profile, description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-profile/{eubwid}/{year}:latest | Item | Describes the latest version of a bathing-water profile for the specified bathing water and year. | profile, full-profile, description, all |
/data/bathing-water-profile/{eubwid}/{year}:{ver} | Item | Describes a specific version of a bathing-water profile for the specified bathing water and year. | profile, full-profile, description, all |
View | Properties |
all | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
short profile | name, bathingWater, bathingWaterDescription, applicableYear, versionString |
profile | bathingWater.prefLabel,, bathingWater.samplingPoint.easting, bathingWater.samplingPoint.northing,, bathingWater.samplingPoint.long,, countyName, localAuthority.label, standardLanguageCollection.pollutionManagementGeneralStatement, standardLanguageCollection.stwOutfallsGeneralStatement, standardLanguageCollection.esoOutfallsGeneralStatement, standardLanguageCollection.localAuthorityGeneralStatement, standardLanguageCollection.algaeGeneralStatement, bathingWaterDescription, zoiDescription, streamsRiversStatement, investigationsStatement, historyStatement, stwOutfallsStatement, esoOutfallsStatement, localAuthorityStatement, misconnectionsStatement, workingWithFarmersStatement, workingWithIndustryStatement, workingWithPrivateOwnersStatement, macroAlgaeStatement, phytoplanktonStatement, webResImage, source, versionString Added to view for v0.2 seasonStartDate, seasonFinishDate, seasonInterval, seasonInterval.hasBeginning.inXSDDateTime, seasonInterval.hasEnd.inXSDDateTime, visiblePollutionStatemement, pollutionRiskForecastStatement, pollutionRiskForecasting, stepChangeStatement, otherPollutionSourcesStatement, account Added to view of v0.6 samplingFrequency, controllerName |
fullBathingWaterProfile | bathingWater.prefLabel,, bathingWater.samplingPoint.easting, bathingWater.samplingPoint.northing,, bathingWater.samplingPoint.long, bathingWater.envelope.asGML, bathingWater.envelope.lowerCorner.easting, bathingWater.envelope.lowerCorner.northing, bathingWater.envelope.lowerCorner.x, bathingWate.envelope.lowerCorner.y, bathingWater.envelope.upperCorner.easting, bathingWater.envelope.upperCorner.northing, bathingWater.envelope.upperCorner.x, bathingWater.envelope.upperCorner.y, bathingWater.zoneOfInfluence.extent.asGML,, countyName, localAuthority.label, standardLanguageCollection.pollutionManagementGeneralStatement, standardLanguageCollection.stwOutfallsGeneralStatement, standardLanguageCollection.esoOutfallsGeneralStatement, standardLanguageCollection.localAuthorityGeneralStatement, standardLanguageCollection.algaeGeneralStatement, bathingWaterDescription, zoiDescription, streamsRiversStatement, investigationsStatement, historyStatement, stwOutfallsStatement, esoOutfallsStatement, localAuthorityStatement, misconnectionsStatement, workingWithFarmersStatement, workingWithIndustryStatement, workingWithPrivateOwnersStatement, macroAlgaeStatement, phytoplanktonStatement, webResImage, source, versionString Added to view for v0.2 seasonStartDate, seasonFinishDate, seasonInterval, seasonInterval.hasBeginning.inXSDDateTime, seasonInterval.hasEnd.inXSDDateTime, visiblePollutionStatemement, pollutionRiskForecastStatement, pollutionRiskForecasting, stepChangeStatement, otherPollutionSourcesStatement, account, account.accountName, account.accountProfile, account.accountServiceHomePage, Added to view of v0.6 samplingFrequency, controllerName |
dataset | name, label, type, comment, description, created, modified, subset, subset.label,, dataDump, vocabulary, vocabulary.label, license, source, uriRegexPattern |
Item type: StandardLanguageCollection
Standard Language Collections were originally intended to carry the common ‘boiler-plate’ statements common to a collection bathing water profiles typically published together in the same year. However, there was an evolving need to vary the standat language collections or a regional basis or even on a per bathing water basis. The URI patterns for standard language collections have been revised from embedding {year}:{ver}
to additionally include a sampling point identifier,{year}-{bwspid}:{ver}
so that different bathing waters can provide different standard language collections.
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/data/bathing-water-profile-standard-language/{year}:{ver} /data/bathing-water-profile-standard-language/{year}-{bwspid}:{ver} |
Item | Describes a collection of standard language statements. | description, all |
/doc/bathing-water-profile-standard-language | List | Lists all bathing water profile standard language collections. | description, all |
View | Properties |
all | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
Item type: BathingWaterProfileEndurant
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/data/bathing-water-profile-endurant/{eubwid}/{year} | Item | Describes the enduring bathing water profile for a bathing water for the specified year which is essentially a list of the versions of the bathing water profiles for that year. | endurant, all |
/doc/bathing-water-profile-endurant/{eubwid} | List | Lists all the enduring bathing water profiles for a bathing water. | endurant, description, all |
View | Properties |
all | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
endurant | hasVersion, hasVersion.label |
Item Types: various: Ontology, OWL Class, RDFS Class, RDF Property, Datatype Property, Object Property, Datatype
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
(code) /def/{theme} | List | List the known feature type vocabularies for a given INSPIRE theme {theme} = "ef" or "common" corresponding to environmental facilities (ef) and common cross theme (common) feature types. |
definition, description, all |
/def/{theme}/{featureType} | List | List the terms defined in a given feature type vocabulary. | definition, description, all |
/def/{theme}/{featureType}/ | Item | Describe a given feature type vocabulary. | scheme, description, all |
/def/{theme}/{featureType}/{term} | Item | Describe a given {term} within a given feature type vocabulary |
definition, description, all |
/def/{theme}/{featureType}/{term}/subclass | List | For a given {term} where{theme}/{featureType}/{term} is a class, returns a list of subclasses of that class. |
definition, description, all |
/def/{theme}/{featureType}/{term}/instance | List | For a given {term} where{theme}/{featureType}/{term} is a class, returns a list of instances of that class. |
description |
/def/{theme}/{featureType}/{term}/property | List | For a given {term} where{theme}/{featureType}/{term} is a class, returns a list of properties used by instances of that class. |
basic, description |
View | Properties |
all | Built-in |
basic | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
scheme | name, type, seeAlso, alias, label, note, scopeNote, contributor.who, contributor.mbox,, comment, isDefinedBy.label |
definition | name, type, seeAlso, definition, alias, label, note, scopeNote, topConceptOf,,, comment, range, domain, type.label, isDefinedBy.label, subClassOf.label, subPropertyOf.label |
spatial-object feature-type. This includes class and property definitions.ZoneOfInfluence
spatial-object feature-type. This includes class and property definitions.Item type: SamplingPoint
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/so/ef/SamplingPoint/{ns}/ /doc/ef/SamplingPoint/{ns}/ |
Item | Describes a Bathing Water Sampling Point Spatial-Object URI Set. Currently {ns} = bwsp.eaew for Environment Agency bathing water sampling point spatial objects |
description, all |
/so/ef/SamplingPoint/{ns} /doc/ef/SamplingPoint/{ns} |
List | Lists the sampling point spatial objects that are members of a Bathing Water Sampling Point Spatial-Object URI Set. The list omits sampling point spatial objects for bathing waters that have been de-designated. Currently {ns} = bwsp.eaew for Environment Agency bathing water sampling point spatial objects. |
sampling-point, description |
/so/ef/SamplingPoint/{ns}/{bwspid} /doc/ef/SamplingPoint/{ns}/{bwspid} |
Item | Describes a given bathing-water sampling point. | sampling-point, description |
View | Properties |
all | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
sampling-point | name, type, samplePointNotation, district,, uriSet.label, seeAlso, lat, long, easting, northing, |
, designated by the Environment Agency in England. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the built-in view, all
of the ZoneOfInfluence
associated with the corresponding BathingWater
using _properties=bathingWater.zoneOfInfluence.extent.asGML
to extend the default view.Item type: ZoneOfInfluence, AbstractGeometry
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/so/ef/ZoneOfInfluence/{ns}/ /doc/ef/ZoneOfInfluence/{ns}/ |
Item | Describes a bathing-water zone-of-influence spatial-object URI Set. Currently {ns} = bwzoi.eaew for for Environment Agency bathing water zone-of-influence spatial objects. |
description, all |
/so/ef/ZoneOfInfluence/{ns} /doc/ef/ZoneOfInfluence/{ns} |
List | Lists the zone of influence spatial-objects that are members of a bathing-water zone-of-influence spatial-object URI set. The list omits zone-of-influence spatial objects for bathing waters that have been de-designated. Currently {ns} = bwzoi.eaew for Environment Agency bathing water zone-of-influence spatial objects. |
zone-of-influence, description |
/so/ef/ZoneOfInfluence/{ns}/{localId}:{version} /doc/ef/ZoneOfInfluence/{ns}/{localId}:{version} |
Item | Describes a particular zone of influence spatial object. | zone-of-influence, description |
/so/ef/ZoneOfInfluence/{ns}/{localId}:{version}/{part} /doc/ef/ZoneOfInfluence/{ns}/{localId}:{version}/{part} |
Item | Describes a sub-part of a zone-of-influence spatial object. Typically {part} = "extent" which will be an AbstractGeometry that conveys the extent of the zone of influence for a given bathing-water. |
description |
View | Properties |
all | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
zone-of-influence | name, type, zoiNotation, uriSet, seeAlso, extent,,, bathingWater.samplingPoint.long, bathingWater.samplingPoint.easting, bathingWater.samplingPoint.northing |
spatial-objects associated with designated BathingWater
in England. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoint’s default view.extent
of the ZoneOfInfluence
using _properties=extent.asGML
to extend the default view. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format.AbstractGeometry
" representing the spatial extent of the ZoneOfInfluence
at Bamburgh Castle. The page is rendered in in JSON.Item type: Envelope
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/so/common/Envelope/{ns}/ /doc/common/Envelope/{ns}/ |
Item | Describes an envelope (bounding box) spatial-object URI Set. Currently {ns} = bwpf.eaew for the Environment Agency URI set of envelope spatial objects that represent the map extents for use in bathing-water profiles. |
description, all |
/so/common/Envelope/{ns} /doc/common/Envelope/{ns} |
List | Lists the envelope spatial-objects that are members of an envelope (bounding box) spatial-object URI Set. The list omits envelope spatial objects for bathing waters that have been de-designated. Currently {ns} = bwpf.eaew for the Environment Agency URI set of envelope spatial objects that represent the map extents for use in bathing-water profiles. |
bounds, description |
/so/common/Envelope/{ns}/{localId}:{version} /doc/common/Envelope/{ns}/{localId}:{version} |
Item | Describes a particular envelope spatial object. | bounds, description |
/so/common/Envelope/{ns}/{localId}:{version}/{part} /doc/common/Envelope/{ns}/{localId}:{version}/{part} |
Item | Describes a sub-part of a envelope spatial object. Typically {part} = "lowerCorner" or "upperCorner" each of which will be a Point. |
description |
View | Properties |
all | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
bounds | *, lowerCorner.*, upperCorner.* |
spatial-objects associated with the BathingWater
at Spittal. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoint’s default view.lowerCorner
of the map bounds Envelope
spatial-objects associated with the BathingWater
at Spittal. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoint’s default view.Envelope
spatial-objects (map bounds) associated with designated BathingWater
in England. The page is rendered in a content-negotiated format viewed using the endpoint’s default view.Item type: Feature
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/so/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew/ /doc/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew/ |
Item | Describes the Environment Agency Bathing Water Profile Feature Spatial-Object URI Set | description, all |
/so/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew /doc/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew |
List | Lists all bathing-water profile features. | feature, description |
/so/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew:latest /doc/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew:latest |
List | Lists all latest bathing-water profile features. | feature, description |
/so/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew/{featureId} /doc/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew/{featureId} |
List | Lists all versions of a bathing-water profile feature. | feature, description |
/so/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew/{featureId}:latest /doc/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew/{featureId}:latest |
Item | Lists the latest version of a bathing-water profile feature. | feature, description |
/so/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew/{featureId}/{ver} /doc/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeature/bwpf.eaew/{featureId}/{ver} |
Item | Describes a specific version of a bathing-water profile feature. | feature, description |
View | Properties |
all | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
feature | type, type.label, label, bathingWater,, lat, long, easting, northing, regionalOrganization, |
.Item type: BathingWaterProfileEndurant
Endpoint URI Template |
List or Item | Description | Views |
/so/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeatureEndurant/bwpf.eaew/{id} /doc/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeatureEndurant/bwpf.eaew/{id} |
Item | Describes an enduring bathing water profile feature. | endurant, description, all |
/so/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeatureEndurant/bwpf.eaew /doc/ef/BathingWaterProfileFeatureEndurant/bwpf.eaew |
List | Lists all the enduring bathing water profile features. | endurant, description, all |
View | Properties |
all | Built-in |
description | Built-in |
endurant | hasVersion, hasVersion.label |
, i.e. at Spittal. This effectively returns a list of the versions of this feature.As of the 2012 bathing water season, monitoring of bathing waters in the England and Wales is transitioning to the use of the Revised Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC) – rBWD. During this transition, which last until the end of the 2014 bathing water season, bathing water quality will be reported using the codes of the Bathing Water Directive (76/0160/EEC) - whilst using the determinands of the rBWD.
This leads to two sets of additions to the modelling of in-season bathing-water sample assessments and annual compliance assessments.
Firstly, the following additional properties are defined for in-season bathing-water sample assessments
Property Short Name | Description | Property URL |
intestinalEnterococciCount | The number of colonies of intenstinal enterococci grown per 100ml water sample | |
intestinalEnterococciQualifier | moreThan, lessThan or actual count qualifier for intestinalEnterococciCount. | |
escherichiaColiCount | The number of colonies of escherichia coli grown per 100ml water sample | |
escherichiaColiQualifier | moreThan, lessThan or actual count qualifier for escherichiaColiCount. | |
Secondly, an extended set of compliance classifications have been defined for use during transition to the rBWD. Whilst these classification deliberately share letter codings (notations) with the pre-transition classification used prior to the 2012 bathing water season, they are different classifications and are labelled differently:
Post transition categories for use in 2015 and beyond are not yet defined for in season assessments.
All these compliance categories are defined as instances of the class Compliance, itself a subclass of SKOS Concept and as members of the SKOS ConceptScheme
These compliance categories fall in the range of sampleClassification and complianceClassification. Their complianceCodeNotation be used in API filter expressions to select sample or annual compliance assessments that bear a code of “G”, “I”, “F”, “C” or “N” eg.
Several additional fields have been added to the reference information about bathing waters in order to facilitate the publication of more detailed bathing water profiles as linked data. New properties are indicated in the table in the section on BathingWater Properties.
New envelope spatial objects are provided that convey map extent bounding boxes for use in the presentation of bathing water profiles. This leads extension of the data model described in the section on Envelope Properties and to the location API as described in the section on Envelope Endpoints.
The organistion of SampleAssessment and ComplianceAssessment datasets has been extended as describe in the section on Dataset Organisation
The dataset may contain Bathing Waters that have been de-designated. Following API list endpoints only list only items that are related to currenlt designated bathing waters, i.e. bathing waters that have not been de-designated. |{easting}/northing/{northing} | | |
De-designated bathing waters, sampling points and zones of influence for de-designated bathing waters can be located through the vocabulary listing endpoints with an appropriate filter:
The Revised Bathing Water Directive (rBWD) includes provision for the suspension of routine monitoring during abnormal situations. The changes added for v0.2 made no provison for the reporting of such suspensions of monitoring.
The changes added for v0.3 are the addition of a new class, SuspensionOfMonitoring detailed at Suspension Of Monitoring above and its associated vocabulary, dataset and API endpoints.
Data model and API extensions have been added to support the linked-data publication of short-term pollution risk predictions.
From 2015 the monitoring and reporting regime has full transitioned to the Revised Bathing Water Directive (rBWD). In order to provide some continuity with pre-2015 annual compliance assessments projected assessments have been made to rBWD standards for a number of years prior to 2015. As a result of this change in regime and in anticipation of future regime changes Annual Compliance Assessments have been organised into per-regime data cubes. The orginal compliance assessment data set at remains for Compliance Assessments reported prior to 2015. For Compliance Assessments reported under the rBWD regime, a new Compliance Assessment data cube has been set up at: which includes both projected and actual compliance assessments.
From 2015, in-season sample assessments will not be classified and will no carry a value for sampleClassification.
In-season sample assessments have been extended to include discountable
and discounted
flags to indicate which in-season sample assessments could be discounted from use in annual-compliance assessments and which in-season sample assesments have been so discounted.
The data model for compliance assessments has been extended to include:
The API configuration has been extended to cover all of these changes.
A revised set of compliance classification codes are use for rBWD compliance classifications.
The combined API version number as been updated to v0.6 so that version numbering follows more naturally form predecessors (bwq-api v0.5 and bwp-api v0.2).