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  • This data is a national historic landfill dataset that defines the location of and provides specific attributes for known historic landfill sites. An historic landfill is a site where there is no...

  • This Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) dataset relates to the performance of storm overflows in England. Data are provided by Water and Sewerage Companies (WaSCs) to the Environment Agency each year...

  • The Most Probable Overland Flow Pathway dataset is a polyline GIS vector dataset that describes the likely flow routes of water along with potential accumulations of diffuse pollution and soil...

  • The SurfZone Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was produced in 2019. Combining LIDAR and near-shore multibeam SONAR Bathymetry elevation data, it is the best currently available Digital Elevation Model...

  • The estimated flood extent is an un-validated raw product often processed rapidly to share with category one partners during an incident. You must refer to the limitations of the data when using...

  • The LIDAR DTM (Digital Terrain Model) Time Stamped Tiles product is an archive of raster elevation data produced by the Environment Agency. Site specific LIDAR surveys have been carried out across...

  • The LIDAR DSM (Digital Surface Model) Time Stamped Tiles product is an archive of raster elevation data produced by the Environment Agency. Site specific surveys have been carried out across...

  • The LIDAR Composite First Return DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 1m spatial resolution. The first return DSM is produced from the first or only...

  • The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 2m spatial resolution. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is produced from the last or only...

  • The LIDAR Composite DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 1m spatial resolution. The DSM (Digital Surface Model) is produced from the last or only...

  • The LIDAR derived Vegetation Object Model (VOM) is a raster product produced as part of the Environment Agency’s “Keeping Rivers Cool” project. It is an attempt to identify riparian tree cover and...

  • The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 1m spatial resolution. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is produced from the last or only...

  • The LIDAR point cloud is an archive of hundreds of millions, or sometimes billions of highly accurate 3-dimensional x,y,z points and component attributes produced by the Environment Agency.


  • Multibeam echo sounders, for Bathymetric survey, use sonar pulses to measure the distance between the survey vessel and the seabed. This instrument collects point data at a resolution of 25cm or...

  • The Environment Agency National LIDAR Programme provides accurate elevation data at 1m spatial resolution for all of England.

    In 2017 we divided the country into 302 survey blocks covering all of...

  • The LIDAR Composite First Return DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 2m spatial resolution. The first return DSM is produced from the first or only...

  • The LIDAR Composite DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 2m spatial resolution. The DSM (Digital Surface Model) is produced from the last or only...

  • Source Protection Zones [Merged] have been created as public facing outlines where common boundaries and overlaps (based on zone number) have been removed. Source Protection Zones (SPZs) are...

  • This dataset is a product of a national assessment of flood risk for England produced using local expertise.

    This dataset is produced using the Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea data which...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA379. Previously known as NaFRA Spatial Flood Likelihood Category Grid (Internal). This is a national assessment of flood risk for England produced...

Showing 181 - 200 of 461