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  • An asset that conveys water

    Asset Sub-Types include: Complex Culvert, Open Channel, Simple Culvert

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • An asset used to control the flow of water

    Asset Sub-Types include: Control Gate, Draw Off Tower, Fish Pass, Hydrobrake, In Channel Stoplogs, Inspection Chamber, Jetty, Outfall, Screen, Spillway,...

  • An asset used to measure water level and flow

    Asset Sub-Types include: Active Monitoring Instrument, Passive Monitoring Instrument

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • An area of land that is involved in water management.

    Asset Sub-Types include: Mudflats, Salt Marsh, Water Storage Area

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • Assets that are used to aid navigation in the marine and fluvial environment.

    Asset Sub-Types include: Beacon; Buoy; Signal; Signage; Dolphin

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA345. This is a bundle of all AIMS Asset Types into a single download.

    The Environment Agency's (EA) defence information is the only comprehensive...

  • An asset that is used to provide shelter for equipment, storage or personnel. Asset Sub Type: Pump House, Office, Workshop, Gauge House, Garage, Residential, Boat Shed

    For more information visit...

  • An asset that allows access across a channel. Asset Sub Types include: Bridge; Utility Services

    For more information visit the Data Requirements Library:...

  • Assets used to protect the coast from erosion or provide access.

    Asset Sub-Types include: Breakwater, Groyne, Ramp, Slipway, Steps

    See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA345.

    The Environment Agency's (EA) Spatial Flood defences layer is the only comprehensive and up-to-date dataset in England that shows flood...

  • Action Aims Groups Types Data Standard Controlled List. It specifies a classification system for categorising high level environmental aims and associated activities undertaken to meet those aims....

  • Individual Land Management Initiative boundaries. The aim of the LMI programmes was to research and demonstrate innovative practical solutions that would maintain viable farm businesses, while...

  • Decommissioned details stored in AIMS as polyline assets. Attributes: asset end date, asset start date, decommission status, decommissioned status date.

  • Decommissioning details stored in AIMS for points assets. Attributes of Asset end date; asset start date; decommission status; decommission status date

  • The Peat Layer was produced by Natural England (ARM team) during June-October 2008, with the aim of identifying the extent of three classes of peaty soils for the purposes of the Partnership...

  • Saltmarsh Change Summary:

    The Saltmarsh Change layer shows the recent change in saltmarsh extent across England, since a baseline inventory was completed in 2006 to 2009.


  • This dataset concerns the spatial prioritisation of catchments suitable for reducing flood risk using Natural Flood Management or land use management and land use change within the Environmental...

  • Our corporate scorecard shows a high level overview of our performance against our environmental and business aims.

    The scorecard is reported every 3 months to executive directors, the board,...

  • Saltmarsh Extent and Zonation Summary:

    The Saltmarsh Extent & Zonation V4_09 layer was mapped from aerial photography collected predominantly between 2016 and 2019.

    Dataset Description:


  • The CRC Order 2013 provides for publication of information on the basis of participants' annual reports plus details submitted when they registered for the scheme. The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme...

Showing 1 - 20 of 93