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Shoreline Management Plan

Isle of Wight SMP14

The Isle of Wight Shoreline Management Plan is split into 7 areas. Their boundaries have been set based on analysis of coastal processes and the character of the shoreline. Select an area to find out more information about it.

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General actions for this SMP

This shows the actions generic to the whole of this SMP. For further actions relating to specific locations, select an area on the map above or use the postcode/location search and click on the Action Plan tab.

All actions are subject to funding and approval, often by other parties than the Lead Organisation shown.

Reference NumberAction DescriptionAction Lead OrganisationAction Progress StatusPriority
14.0.25Establish an ongoing SMP Management Group, building on the original Steering Group which developed and agreed the SMP2. Completed and now ongoing.Isle of Wight CouncilCompleteHigh
14.0.27Embed the processes for ongoing SMP management through the SMP Management Group, including policy implementation and maintaining the Action Plan. Completed and now ongoing.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingHigh
14.0.01Implement the SMP policies and actions through continuation of management group and elected representative involvement.SMP14 MG & Partner OrganisationsProgressingMedium-high
14.0.03Ensure that local development and planning documents take account of SMP policies and flood, erosion and landslide risks. This is being delivered through the existing Island Plan and the emerging Island Planning Strategy (IPS), which set out the IW Council's approach.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium-high
14.0.10Continued management of defences in line with SMP policies. This is delivered as routine business.Isle of Wight Council and Environment AgencyCancelledMedium-high
14.0.16Review the distinction and links between landslip and erosion in future FCERM (Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management) appraisal guidance. This action has been superseded, as updated national guidance has now been published and being used.Environment Agency (National)CompleteMedium-high
14.0.23Review the SMP Action Plan regularly in accordance with national guidance.SMP14 MG & Partner OrganisationsProgressingMedium-high
14.1.08Implement the policy approach outlined in West Wight Coastal Strategy to require development/redevelopment sites to provide defence improvements on the Cowes and East Cowes Hold the Line frontages. Being progressed as part of the emerging Island Planning Strategy (IPS).Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium-high
14.0.28Produce the expanded SMP Action Plan incorporating new national SMP-R templates and guidance. Completed. Regular updates will occur.Isle of Wight CouncilCompleteMedium-high
14.0.29Ensure SMP policy clarity by transferring information into the status tracker format, including policy intent wording, policy and sub-category, and updates. Completed.Isle of Wight CouncilCompleteMedium-high
14.0.30Establish management pathways and triggers for SMP policy transitions in line with new SMP Supplementary Guidance.Isle of Wight CouncilPlanned/programmedMedium-high
14.0.35Support the development of new national online platform for SMPs ('SMP Explorer').Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium-high
14.0.39Adopt the Coastal Change Management Area (CCMA) on the Isle of Wight, and assess its ongoing implementation.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium-high
14.0.41Maintain permanent joint working between the local planning authority and shoreline management planning through continuing combined delivery.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium-high
14.0.44Communicate to planners that the SMP is a 'live' document and remains a material consideration.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium-high
14.0.45Communicate to decision-makers the SMP policy clarification work being built into the SMP Explorer website. This is not a change to SMP policies. It is making existing information more accessible.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium-high
14.0.02Continue consultation with key stakeholders and the general public in the period post adoption of SMP2 through further works (including progressing actions, communicating coastal risks and seeking opportunities for stakeholder engagement).Operating AuthoritiesProgressingMedium
14.0.09Carry out the Strategic Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme.Regional Coastal Monitoring ProgrammeProgressingMedium
14.0.11Support the Regional Habitat Compensation Programme by providing information from the SMP and engaging with third parties on the Island.Regional Habitat Compensation Programme (RHCP), Environment AgencyCompleteMedium
14.0.14Investigate the requirement for joint funding (including public & private funding) in line with the SMP recommendations. This action has been superseded, as new national 'partnership funding' system now exists for coastal and flood defence schemes and is being used.Southern Coastal GroupCompleteMedium
14.0.17Inform the key stakeholders and public of the implications and realistic outcomes from the SMP policies. This has continued though subsequent work after SMP2 and is delivered as part of routine business.Isle of Wight CouncilCancelledMedium
14.0.21Through the Southern Regional Habitat Compensation Programme, secure compensatory habitat for 30.9 hectares of coastal grazing marsh for the Solent and Southampton Water Ramsar site.Regional Habitat Compensation Programme (RHCP), Environment AgencyProgressingMedium
14.0.22Consider the plan findings in respect of new climate change guidance. The latest check confirmed the SMP policies remain secure in response to climate change. This issue is also progressed through ongoing work on Strategies, Studies and Schemes, each using the latest information.SMP14 MG & Partner OrganisationsProgressingMedium
14.0.24Consider the implications of the SMP and Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme data for beach levels and amenities (and resulting public/private beach management). This is delivered as part of routine business and through ongoing Schemes.Isle of Wight Council SMP/Commercial Services and Environment Agency PSO teamCancelledMedium
14.0.31Review (and if necessary, extend) the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme to correspond with and inform the SMP policy management triggers being established.Isle of Wight CouncilNot yet startedMedium
14.0.32Continue coordination of the SMP and the Regional Habitat Compensation Programme on future needs for habitat creation and funding implications for longer term SMP policy.Isle of Wight Council and Regional Habitat Compensation ProgrammeNot yet startedMedium
14.0.33Support the continued joint ownership of the SMP by the partner organisations involved. Ongoing.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium
14.0.36Identify where SMP policy might have implications for the new protected site of the Solent and Dorset SPA, or on sites earmarked for habitat compensation relating to existing or candidate sites. With Natural England and the SMP management group, identify what, if any, measures might need to be taken as a result.Natural England & SMP Management GroupProgressingMedium
14.0.37Identify any key potential risks to delivery of SMP management intent relating to new Marine Conservation Zones. With the Marine Management Organisation and Natural England in the SMP management group, identify what, if any, measures might need to be taken as a result.Marine Management Organisation & SMP Management GroupProgressingMedium
14.0.40In coastal landslide risk areas with Hold the Line SMP policies and/or residual risks, further embed approaches into the emerging Island Planning Strategy (IPS) and continue development control practices and publishing supporting information to reduce risks.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium
14.0.46Consider the best way forward for updates to risk mapping supporting the SMP and decision-making.Isle of Wight CouncilPlanned/programmedMedium
14.0.47Review where new national or local information can be added to mapping systems on coastal risks utilised by planners and decision-makers, and is it live-updated or periodically updated.SMP Management GroupPlanned/programmedMedium
14.0.48Share a self-training module on the SMP and the latest coastal risk management. Also, highlight the video prepared by the EA and the TCPA in 2022 providing an introduction to addressing flood risk through the planning system in England.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium
14.0.49Briefing note on the latest approaches in SMP and managing coastal risks.Isle of Wight CouncilNot yet startedMedium
14.0.50Consider the potential for procedural notes on SMP/planning interaction, to further enhance clarity on consultation and the evidence base for SMP and CCMA -linked decision-making.Isle of Wight CouncilNot yet startedMedium
14.0.54Support the development of latest National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping (NCERM).Isle of Wight Council and EA NCERM teamProgressingMedium
14.0.55Undertake a Marine Plan Policies Review, to identify links between the SMP and the Marine Plan.Isle of Wight Council and MMONot yet startedMedium
14.0.56Enhance preparedness for future stakeholder engagement in SMP policy implementation work.Isle of Wight Council and EA SMP-R national teamNot yet startedMedium
14.0.04Development, monitoring and review of emergency response plans to prepare for extreme events. This is delivered as part of routine business.Local Resilience Forum and Isle of Wight CouncilCancelledMedium-low
14.0.05Continue with improvements to flood risk maps and modelling to provide an improved flood warning service. This is delivered as part of routine business.Environment AgencyCancelledMedium-low
14.0.07Review requirements for the Strategic Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme based on SMP policies and additional information requirements that are identified to improve understanding.Regional Coastal Monitoring ProgrammeProgressingMedium-low
14.0.08Periodically (every two years) review requirements for the Strategic Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme based on analysis of data collected. This is delivered as part of routine business.Regional Coastal Monitoring ProgrammeCancelledMedium-low
14.0.13Update the 2012 Sediment Transport Study (STS) by SCOPAC/Coastal Group to include the latest Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme data, including a region-wide assessment of historical change over 20 years since the programme was established.SCOPAC/Southern Coastal GroupPlanned/programmedMedium-low
14.0.20Ensure subsequent strategies, schemes and projects consider the mitigation measures listed in the South East RBMP Programme of Measures and reflect opportunities to meet the objectives in RBMPs in Transitional and Coastal Waters.Isle of Wight Council and Environment Agency PSO teamProgressingMedium-low
14.0.34Consider the potential need for further Adaptation Plans for additional NAI, MR and transitional policy units in the Isle of Wight SMP (for those locations not yet identified as specific Actions and including undefended coastlines), if funds can be secured.Isle of Wight CouncilNot yet startedMedium-low
14.0.38Work with the Environment Agency to ensure that SMP management intents are reflected in second cycle Flood Risk Management Plans. Coordination work has been undertaken.Environment AgencyProgressingMedium-low
14.0.42Ensure new SuDS guidance (Sustainable Drainage Systems) takes account of coastal change risks (including coastal instability) and risk reduction policy.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium-low
14.0.43Coordinate with Planning Enforcement and Building Control etc. to identify properties at imminent risk of loss to coastal erosion which could be assisted by the Defra Coastal Erosion Assistance Grant (CEAG) towards demolition and limited removal costs (approx. £6k per property).Isle of Wight CouncilPlanned/programmedMedium-low
14.0.51Retain awareness of how SMP and coastal risk information is communicated to the public, locally and nationally, including through the planning system, and seek ways to improve this.Isle of Wight CouncilNot yet startedMedium-low
14.0.52Take note of planning and/or appeal decisions with particular relevance to SMP policy implementation.Isle of Wight CouncilProgressingMedium-low
14.0.53Discuss the latest residual risk and how it is managed, and consider further opportunities for improved risk management through SMP and/or planning approaches (regarding coastal flooding, erosion and landslide risks).SMP Management GroupPlanned/programmedMedium-low
14.0.06Add latest local data to the IOW Historic Environment Record (HER) to inform future work, continuing from the Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey. This is delivered as part of routine business.Historic EnglandCancelledLow
14.0.12Use the latest Historic Environment Record (HER) data to correctly capture the important issues for consideration during future Schemes, Strategies and in Managed Realignment and No Active Intervention areas. This is delivered as part of routine business.Historic England and Isle of Wight Council ArchaeologyCancelledLow
14.0.15Regionwide wave climate risk study to identify impacts of bimodal wave period conditions on design risk of structures and beach systems, including overtopping and breach potential; Building on existing wave data on the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme and SCOPAC websites.SCOPAC/Southern Coastal Group and Regional Monitoring ProgrammeProgressingLow
14.0.26Consider the long-term vision of shoreline adaptation planning; Is there is a need for local forums in some areas or to utilise existing methods of stakeholder engagement to participate in future adaptation planning and seeking an integrated approach to longer-term shoreline management.Isle of Wight CouncilNot yet startedLow

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Download SMP documents

The information on this website represents the current SMP management approaches adopted by the local authorities within its area, and current actions needed to deliver them. These management approaches have been approved by the Environment Agency under its Strategic Overview for coastal flood and erosion risk management and are considered to be local policy.

The documents below provide the full SMP adopted locally and approved by the Environment Agency at the time of publication. Some of the information has changed in response to new government policy, new evidence or new work identified.

Data on this page

Main report


Supporting documents

About this SMP

This Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) covers the coastline of the Isle of Wight.

You can read the full SMP document by selecting the Download tab. This SMP was completed in 2010 and received formal adoption and sign off from relevant local authorities and the Environment Agency.

Managing shorelines in this area

The SMP for this area presents agreed approaches to managing the risk of coastal flooding and erosion at the shoreline and in estuaries over the short, medium, and long term, considering the implications of climate change.

In some locations, the approaches set out in the SMP change over time, for example from holding the current shoreline position with defences to realigning it or allowing the coast to change more naturally.

The SMP shows where this may affect people, property or the natural environment and the action plan includes measures to manage the local effects of coastal change. Local development planning can then be used to help avoid or address these effects, for example by identifying where new or relocated buildings can be built and defining any conditions to promote safety or sustainability. More localised Coastal Strategies may also be developed to identify how the approach in the SMP should be funded and implemented in more detail. You can find these under the Related Links tab for the SMP.

The objectives of the SMP can be found in the national SMP Guidance document (Volume 1, section 2.1). In summary, they are to identify preferred approaches for

  • managing flood and erosion risk to existing properties and other assets
  • identifying approaches that are economically, technically and environmentally sustainable
  • protecting and enhancing the natural features and character of the coast through these approaches where possible

Managing inland flood risk

To find out more about managing future flood risk inland, see the Flood Risk Management Plan.

Developing this SMP

The group that developed and agreed this SMP included:

  • Isle of Wight Council
  • Environment Agency
  • Natural England

The group consulted the public and engaged with a range of stakeholders interested in the area’s coastal management while developing this SMP. The SMP was approved by the Environment Agency and formally adopted by each local authority. You can find further details of how the group developed the SMP in Appendix B of the document. This can be found by selecting the Download tab.