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Beesands 6B78

Summary management approach

Maintain existing sea wall and rock revetment, but allow localised realignment of defences in the medium to long term at the northern section to manage transition between defended and undefended stretches.

Generic approach assigned to this unit

Management approaches depend on funding and relevant approvals and permissions. Adaptation to coastal change may be needed. If defences are present, some risk from flooding, erosion or ground instability may remain.

Time periods (short (0 to 20 years), medium (20 to 50 years) and long (50 to 100)) are approximate and do not signify precise dates of management transitions.

0 to 20 years (2005 to 2025)

HL1Hold the lineMaintain/replace

Where protection is currently provided by coastal defence structures or managed beaches, and the intention is to retain a defence along approximately the current alignment. This will involve replacing defences when needed. Defence type, method and standard of protection may be modified over time.

20 to 50 years (2025 to 2055)

HL1Hold the lineMaintain/replace

Where protection is currently provided by coastal defence structures or managed beaches, and the intention is to retain a defence along approximately the current alignment. This will involve replacing defences when needed. Defence type, method and standard of protection may be modified over time.

50 to 100 years (2055 to 2105)

HL1Hold the lineMaintain/replace

Where protection is currently provided by coastal defence structures or managed beaches, and the intention is to retain a defence along approximately the current alignment. This will involve replacing defences when needed. Defence type, method and standard of protection may be modified over time.

Neighbouring units

The following units are within 1km of this one:

Protected sites

This area of coastline is not in or near a special protection area.

Data last updated: 2024-04-17

View Special Protection Area on the Data Services Platform

This area of coastline is in or near an area of outstanding natural beauty.

Data last updated: 2024-06-29

View Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on the Data Services Platform

This area of coastline is in or near a special conservation area.

Data last updated: 2024-04-17

View Special Area of Conservation on the Data Services Platform

This area of coastline is not in or near a ramsar wetland area.

Data last updated: 2024-04-03

View Ramsar Site on the Data Services Platform

There are no scheduled monuments near this area of coastline.

Data last updated: 2024-04-03

View Scheduled Monument on the Data Services Platform

This area of coastline is not in or near a local nature reserve.

Data last updated: 2024-06-29

View Local Nature Reserve on the Data Services Platform

There is a site of special scientific interest near this area of coastline.

Data last updated: 2024-08-31

View Site of Special Scientific Interest on the Data Services Platform

This area of coastline is not in or near a national nature reserve.

Data last updated: 2024-06-29

View National Nature Reserve on the Data Services Platform

There is a marine conservation zone near this area of coastline.

Data last updated: 2024-04-03

View Marine Conservation Zone on the Data Services Platform

Actions for this unit

All actions are subject to funding and approval, often by other parties than the Lead Organisation shown.

Reference NumberAction DescriptionAction Lead OrganisationAction Progress StatusPriority
16.170Review/develop asset and Beach Management Plan for Beesands to guide maintenance of defences and beaches along these frontages to ensure that they continue to provide adequate defence.Environment AgencyNot yet startedMedium
16.171.01Work with planners to designate this area as a Coastal Catchment Management Authority, and to develop an adaptation plan for Beesands that includes clear community engagement around the Managed Realignment intent and defines triggers for change (informed by the Managed Realignment study to be carried out for this area).South Hams District CouncilNot yet startedMedium
16.171Conduct study (with South Hams Council) to understand the future of Managed Realignment in this location. In undertaking this study, also consider splitting this Policy Unit into one unit for the north with an Managed Realignment policy and a separate unit to the south with a Hold The Line policy. This must include careful consideration of the interaction between the two areas and the likely long-term coastal evolution of this shoreline; and/or amendments to policy wording to communicate with more certainty that Managed Realignment will be required during epoch 2 in the north in light of recent erosion (aligned to findings of the required Managed Realignment study). The study needs to include a thorough assessment of the economic viability and long-term sustainability of each option.Pending agreementNot yet startedMedium-low
16.030Update the 2012 SCOPAC Sediment Transport Study (STS) to include new Channel Coastal Observatory baseline data captured in 2022/23.Standing Conference on Problems Associated with the CoastlineNot yet startedMedium-low
16.163Carry out a study to investigate the effects of Shoreline Management Plan management approaches on the heritage features at risk and consider mitigation measures and/or recording as appropriate.Pending agreementNot yet startedLow
16.164Quantify habitat losses and gains, and identify and secure sites for replacement habitat.Environment AgencyNot yet startedLow

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Download SMP documents

The information on this website represents the current SMP management approaches adopted by the local authorities within its area, and current actions needed to deliver them. These management approaches have been approved by the Environment Agency under its Strategic Overview for coastal flood and erosion risk management and are considered to be local policy.

The documents below provide the full SMP adopted locally and approved by the Environment Agency at the time of publication. Some of the information has changed in response to new government policy, new evidence or new work identified.

Data on this page

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Supporting Documents