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  4. How Have The Reservoir Flood Extents Been Produced?

How Have The Reservoir Flood Extents Been Produced?

Created: 10 November 2021 Updated: 10 November 2021

How have the maps been produced?

A summary of how the Reservoir Flood Extents maps have been produced is available on GOV.UK. A copy of the Specification is available on request from

When will the maps be updated again?

In accordance with the Flood Risk Regulations 2009 flood maps must be reviewed at intervals of no more than 6 years. The next review is due by December 2025.

Do all reservoirs have flood maps?

No, only large-raised reservoirs that were in Operation in October 2016. Reservoirs under construction and under the supervision of a construction engineer since October 2016 have not yet been modelled.

Why can I no longer see the simplified depth and speed mapping?

To comply with current security requirements, the simplified depth and speed mapping cannot be made available to the public.