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  • The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

  • The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

  • Under the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA) Pilot, Natural England and the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI) have been working in partnership to use BSBI's vast database...

  • This dataset is the output from the UK canopy cover webmap project, which aimed to assess the percentage tree canopy cover in every ward in the UK. Forest Research delivered the project with...

  • The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 10m spatial resolution. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is produced from the last or only...

  • Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation where this will provide dappled shade to improve aquatic ecology by reducing summer water temperatures and benefiting...

  • Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce flood risk by slowing flood flows and increasing the retention and infiltration of water on the...

  • The data describes the potential area of impact of ‘significant’ areas of woodland upon breeding wading birds due to the predation shadow associated with the woodland.

    The purpose is to support...

  • This dataset identifies areas where the addition of new ponds would benefit Great Crested Newt populations defined as strategic opportunity areas (SOAs). These England-wide dataset incorporates the...

  • Location of tree planting carried out by the Environment Agency and its partners since 2010/11. Numbers, area and density of planting up to and including 2017/18 have been derived from free text or...

  • The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

  • The Wader Zonal Map – a.k.a. Wader Sensitivity Map (WSM) and Breeding Wader Sensitivity Map – was produced by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) in partnership with the Forestry Commission and...

  • This record is for Approval for Access product AfA440. This product shows the likely locations and boundaries of dune slacks for sites around England. A dune slack is a depression in coastal dune...

  • The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

  • This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent and location of Habitat Networks for 18 priority habitats based primarily, but not exclusively, on the priority habitat inventory with...

  • The NFI woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover (or the potential to achieve it) and a minimum width of 20 metres, including areas of...

  • All organisations hold information about the core of their business. The Forestry Commission holds information on trees and forests. We use this information to help us run our business and make...

  • The NFI woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover (or the potential to achieve it) and a minimum width of 20 metres, including areas of...

  • Ordnance Survey 10km square grid of Great Britain showing the year that Chalara fraxinea infections were first confirmed in the wider environment in that grid square.
    Year - Year that an...

  • All organisations hold information about the core of their business. The Forestry Commission holds information on trees and forests. We use this information to help us run our business and make...

Showing 61 - 80 of 142