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Shoreline Management Plan

Anchor Head to Lavernock Point SMP19

The Anchor Head to Lavernock Point Shoreline Management Plan is split into 12 areas. Their boundaries have been set based on analysis of coastal processes and the character of the shoreline. Select an area to find out more information about it.

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General actions for this SMP

This shows the actions generic to the whole of this SMP. For further actions relating to specific locations, select an area on the map above or use the postcode/location search and click on the Action Plan tab.

All actions are subject to funding and approval, often by other parties than the Lead Organisation shown.

Reference NumberAction DescriptionAction Lead OrganisationAction Progress StatusPriority
HCR5Develop an Action Plan review process, to cover action status change and the addition of new actions in light of new studies and strategies etc. Action should also consider the development of a Coastal Group specific Major Change Process, as references in the SMP-r supplementary guidance.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Planned/programmedHigh
HCR21On completion of HCR action HCR22.1, revisit SMP management approach to ensure it reflects current management activity and future intent, update the SMP Tracker and SMP-Explorer and file for a Major Policy Change if required.Environment AgencyNot yet startedHigh
0.11Ensure a habitat creation and restoration programme is developed and implemented to replace EU protected habitats lost through coastal erosion. This should take account of losses to supporting habitat or terrestrial and freshwater habitats lost as a result of creating new intertidal habitat. Delivery of compensatory habitat should consider how the form and function of the estuary can be maintained and if it can be delivered through Local Nature Recovery Strategies or Biodiversity Net Gain from development planning.Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and Natural EnglandPlanned/programmedMedium-high
0.16Undertake research to better understand the role that habitat outside the Severn Estuary Special Protection Area / Ramsar site plays in supporting the bird species and populations for which the site has been designated.Environment Agency and Welsh GovernmentPlanned/programmedMedium-high
0.17Undertake an analysis of the ecological context and likely effectiveness of proposed habitat compensation sites in the Habitat Compensation and Restoration Programme in relation to the areas where habitat will be lostEnvironment Agency and Welsh GovernmentPlanned/programmedMedium-high
0.18Update projections of habitat change (amount and type of habitat lost and created) using evidence from the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme and local studies with reference to the latest sea level rise projections to inform the Habitat Compensation and Restoration Programme.Environment Agency and Welsh GovernmentPlanned/programmedMedium-high
0.19Monitor the performance of habitat compensation sites in providing for species and habitats being lost from the Severn Estuary's European Sites.Environment AgencyPlanned/programmedMedium-high
HCR1Improve the understanding of the relationship between different groups, strategies and plans across the Severn EstuarySevern Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Planned/programmedMedium-high
HCR2Ensure through the means of a desktop study that Shoreline Management Plans, including the designations of Coastal Chnage Management Areas where potential, are reflected within Local Development Plans (LPDs). The desktop study should seek to understand and improve the inclusion of Shoreline Management Plan information and improve awareness.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Planned/programmedMedium-high
HCR3Following the release of SMP Explorer and the modifications to the Natural Resource Wales Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Maps, undertake and maintain and awareness programme with public and private organisations, where appropriate, to highlight relevant Shoreline Management Plan recommendations.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Planned/programmedMedium-high
HCR4Review priority areas of potential policy change (as defined within the original Shoreline Management Plan 2 and Health Check Report recommendations) and consider appropriate communication strategy as necessarySevern Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Planned/programmedMedium-high
HCR6Coastal Group to develop a record for management triggers and adaptation pathways, monitoring (where appropriate) the establishment of management triggers for policy transition and associated monitoring.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Planned/programmedMedium-high
HCR7Undertake an updated assessment of the impacts of climate change on delivering Hold The Line over Managed Realignment in Policy Units where it has been identified as a possible long term option. Taking into account appropriate hydaraulic analysisEnvironment Agency and Natural Resources WalesProgressingMedium-high
HCR9Populate Welsh Policy SMP Tracker with improved information on policy clarity and management intent, in line with supplementary guidance produced by the SMP Refresh project.Natural Resources WalesProgressingMedium-high
HCR10Work with Natural Resources Wales to support the forecasting of habitat compensatory needs over the short to medium term. Consider and evaluate the potential benefits of in-situ restoration and habitat enhancement at a local level, to support wider Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Wellbeing priorities.Natural Resources WalesNot yet startedMedium-high
0.05Develop a Strategic Communications and Engagement plan to ensure elected members are aware of and understand the management approaches agreed within the SMP, to engage the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee to ensure the investment needs arising from the SMP are reflected in flood and coastal erosion risk investment planning and to ensure the SMP has profile with those making investment and planning decisions.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Planned/programmedMedium
0.14Develop and maintain a work programme which sets out the strategic priorities of the Severn Estuary Coastal Group with reference to the SMP action plan.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Not yet startedMedium
0.2Consider data requirements to maintain a strategic overview of flood risk and coastal erosion along the Severn Estuary, and reflect in the design of the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Not yet startedMedium
0.2.1Designate a standing agenda item for the last Coastal Group meeting of the Year (early December) to review the South West Coastal Monitoring data against the needs of the group to inform the programme phase of the regional monitoring centre.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Not yet startedMedium
0.21Carry out a strategic-level review of the Habitats Regulations Assessment of SMP19 to ensure it reflects any changes made to the Plan’s management intent or impacts of existing management intent on designated protected European Sites.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Not yet startedMedium
0.22Carry out a strategic-level review to ensure the SMP reflects the opportunities to meet objectives set out in the River Basin Management Plans coving the SMP’s Transitional and Coastal Waters across the Estuary.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Not yet startedMedium
HCR8Identify potential constraints associated with the presence of Public Rights of Way on structuresEnvironment Agency and Natural EnglandNot yet startedMedium
0.23Maintain links between SMP activities and emergency response plans to help prepare for extreme events, promote awareness of the Flood Warning Service and ensure clarity over roles and responsibilities in response and recovery for extreme events that exceed designed standards of protection.Severn Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Not yet startedMedium-low
0.01Undertake a ‘Future Estuary’ study using wave monitoring data to determine the requirement for any adjustments to the SMP boundary with consideration of how the changing upstream tidal extent may be affected by climate changeEnvironment AgencyComplete
0.02Undertake a study of the impacts of storm surges on flood risk in the SMP area, including how climate change may alter storm surgesEnvironment Agency and Natural Resources Wales
0.03Undertake a study of sediment transport mechanisms within the SMP area to inform future management approachesEnvironment Agency and Natural Resources WalesComplete
0.04Create internal stakeholder groups / distribution lists for flood risk managementSevern Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)Complete
0.06SMP2 disseminated to all Local Authority plannersSevern Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)
0.15Review SMP and Action Plan based on feedback and comments gathered during the sign off processSevern Estuary Coastal Group (SMP19 Management Group)
0.1Review the economic value of agricultural land at flood/erosion risk within the SMPEnvironment Agency and Natural Resources Wales

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Download SMP documents

The information on this website represents the current SMP management approaches adopted by the local authorities within its area, and current actions needed to deliver them. These management approaches have been approved by the Environment Agency under its Strategic Overview for coastal flood and erosion risk management and are considered to be local policy.

The documents below provide the full SMP adopted locally and approved by the Environment Agency at the time of publication. Some of the information has changed in response to new government policy, new evidence or new work identified.

Data on this page

Main report


Planning leaflets

About this SMP

This Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) covers the length of the Severn Estuary coastline between Anchor Head to Lavernock Point in Wales.

You can read the full SMP document by selecting the Download tab. This SMP was completed in 2010 and received formal adoption and sign off from relevant local authorities and the Environment Agency.

Managing shorelines in this area

The SMP for this area presents agreed approaches to managing the risk of coastal flooding and erosion at the shoreline and in estuaries over the short, medium, and long term, considering the implications of climate change.

In some locations, the approaches set out in the SMP change over time, for example from holding the current shoreline position with defences to realigning it or allowing the coast to change more naturally.

The SMP shows where this may affect people, property or the natural environment and the action plan includes measures to manage the local effects of coastal change. Local development planning can then be used to help avoid or address these effects, for example by identifying where new or relocated buildings can be built and defining any conditions to promote safety or sustainability. More localised Coastal Strategies may also be developed to identify how the approach in the SMP should be funded and implemented in more detail. You can find these under the Related Links tab for the SMP.

The objectives of the SMP can be found in the national SMP Guidance document (Volume 1, section 2.1). In summary, they are to identify preferred approaches for:

  • managing flood and erosion risk to existing properties and other assets
  • identifying approaches that are economically, technically and environmentally sustainable
  • protecting and enhancing the natural features and character of the coast through these approaches where possible

Managing inland flood risk

To find out more about managing future flood risk inland, see the Flood Risk Management Plan.

Developing this SMP

The group that developed and agreed this SMP included:

  • Bristol City Council
  • Cardiff Council
  • Forest of Dean District Council
  • Gloucestershire County Council
  • Monmouthshire County Council
  • Newport City Council
  • North Somerset Council
  • South Gloucestershire Council
  • Stroud District Council
  • Vale of Glamorgan Council
  • Welsh Government (WG) (Previously Welsh Assembly Government (WAG))
  • Defra
  • Environment Agency
  • Natural England
  • Natural Resources Wales (Formed in April 2013 from Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency Wales, Forestry Commission Wales, and some functions from Welsh Government)
  • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
  • Caldicot & Wentlooge and Lower Severn Internal Drainage Board (IDB). Now also part of Natural Resources Wales.

The group consulted the public and engaged with a range of stakeholders interested in the area’s coastal management while developing this SMP. The SMP was approved by the Environment Agency and Welsh Government and and formally adopted by each local authority. You can find further details of how the group developed the SMP in Appendix B of the document. This can be found by selecting the Download tab.